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Show H A Nice Piece of Work.. H Wlillo h Raoord reporter wna making H regular rounds lu oynrch of local H nowa ho dropped Into the olUr.o of B Eugene Baboopmnun In llio Oily H JInll nnd was Baton luliod to too tk)o H work that ho wm Just completing. H Mr. Bobopptnnnn hits for nomo H time unat boen raoklnfc norso larRn H unapt of Iron County upon n ichIo of H one fourth of Mn Inah to tbo mile, H and for nonlneM and ncciirKOV I hoy H are hard to boHt. Evnry tectlf.ii nnd H quarter seotlon, Ih nicely equrtted off H and none vary the leait trllle. In H fact the work la aa well dono no thut H ootnmonly secured from tbo motropol- H l, and It aoema n abamo that work of B tbU nature should he aont off when H we hare experts at homo that are wll H lln to undertako this kind of work H "and alao guarantee It to bo as near" H parfeat at It Is poaalble to get It. H It wat really surprising to aco a H nan of Mr. Sahoppmann'a Hge dolnit H thla work, whon It la remembered H trnt he Is 80. The mapa proro bo- H yond a doubt that bis sight la aa kcoo H na many a man's at 40, and hla band H la perfectly steady, wbloh Ib a ueoea. H aary factor In thla olaaa or work. Ho H ant only haa good sight and steady H 1 hands, but la aotivo nnd euergotio aa H the time tiiken and aoourauy of the H ', work will testify. |