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Show FROM WAR CENTER. Tho Following Letter wjll Give Somo Inside Information. MexloHii Mteslon, OzhiuUh Oeatrlta do Chnlou. A fir J 1 14, 1011. Mr Geo. A. Luat, Oedar Oily, Utah. Dear lirutlior: It Iihu jiiot dawned upon me to drop yon u low lltn'H to let you know ct my wuorcNiiatita.' 1 niu IihvJuk tba time or my life; lota of oxoitemaut itnd pleuty tn do; Ktt a cIihuoq to ' preunh tuodt ivory riny. VVu liuvu bevti uiihuIu to do tmiou of Ulo utiteldo ot the mumbeie of (he ohumli, on hooouiM ot thn wur. Prcs-ttleut Prcs-ttleut Diaz haa ivnt noma truopa In here now, and whun tkey nro lu town we (tot a chmioo to ptenrh tn Itium, Vettterday the 0trrnhr uf tho suite, Hernando (Jorzulo whb ho;e with a larRe uom'r of troopa We upent moat of tho dy watobluK them and takiug pleturtt. Thtiy bad aome floe bnuee la the oaralry. We got a pio-tare pio-tare of tho (lowroor'e bono with m Ueaarnl tju bl. The horae whb araadlag with hia front feet ou m beaob lit tbe center of tan Plasa. lie caa eertaiuly 'a bandiotne harae and aaaBard to kiioVt atrlhlnt( that wa aid to bloj ; ha would do Unytblov aakM ef him When the UoTorner caaa,e Into towu tbe Infatitty wiilkad ahead, and tbe Oavatry hrouyht up the. rear with hum lu banda Tbera w,na not any Tuaa made by tbe people; only by the o-dlera. o-dlera. The Oorernor ralaed hia baud tn tee-and 1 In return raised Biy hat. Ttx Mrxloaa did sot pay any niton-tiou niton-tiou to him at all, I tell you thla nuveruineot Is In a had shape. If tho wederoa could get Kuna and ammuulttou In thla country It would not laat Iour. Moat all peo-pie peo-pie wbo join either aide join the rob-ela. rob-ela. 1 had quiet a talk'wlta the captain of artltltty jetrdny. He raid if tboy warn UtthtluK nnother nation It would be different; tbey would kuow yhat to do. Hot aa It la tfeef'doa't know the eutray wheu they Meet them. ' KTintc'R that thesoldlera aro oeal l&tot Trotoct are against tbftua and doat HtJtljm with any teaptct. He Wkid it ras pretty bard to be eut 6ol to rght their own oooatryosea aad jaajiaMpae la a town where yr.u hud jm44 (. Oat he M he waa ,ptd by,J)w flomnent to)o it i3 that It W4 bit eluty; he did I a- t a- r eot do It becauite ate like t. TW la tne eae with jao of th aolera lie aald tbey fofgbtouly. yfhea they were drirea, to It. M The country south of ua that wa ued tu labor lu la all ihot to piece biid(ia bluwo UD and the beaduar tera of all thojUig fatnia aa,d raaebea aro HoandoueA. People are aleeplag la the woods at Knight aa( aeldlara are watcblaK f row the hajieetop. A fewdaya ago he police force la tho Glty of Mexico bad It all pruned to take tho national nelaoe. bnt juat before time arrived aaao aomnaader got wind ot It wad called tbem all Ih and dlaarraed tbeea. Tbey had every-thlnu every-thlnu ra4, and, had tbey besa left Bloneoae 4ay more tbey would have had tbe city in their charge. President Diaz haa gat to give up hia ohalr from the luoka of thing) before be-fore there will he peace again Id tblo laud It la the poor flghUnn the rloh. They oertalnly; glv the apajslsrda fetbes and toruo4 rbW-iooe5 Ilr J Sit af hot dow therar aiyali "kt&lmC' f J YoU alwaya lored tleV. 1 tklak . U ypa were here yooould gei te'M gua tuaair beaiaasitteart. Tbe statt 0lt rrea hora Far group ef fre HO tn 200 to ie4o the rebel; Yon have, berd of ware' smf maaaaaT. of waia, but thla la the real tbt4. Whet you bear the bulo oalllag ait htoore ef tha day and night, hear the rattl '" ' lag of aworda; tho aouuaV t boisea , fs'fit; diataut exploaloaB aad yells ' from both partlej, It toakeayeatblnk It (a real war. Oovernqr Trezaaa haa beea compel com-pel led to give 'up aeveral mlllloa dol-lara dol-lara worth ot provlaloun, horeee and cattle to the poor rebele. Tbe peo- r pie are beglnniog to get somo good out ot the 17,000,000 acrw of laud r ho boaste about If tbey rrSVerdld be-fare. be-fare. Your Brother, UROUQUTON LUNXl j |