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Show H , WW 1 OontlHiHtlsn briug trwHj"'iiifiJitnfH H hi Hi tret ii hiwI Ih lh prtBJHry osimo H of wucli slot n, , Ktt jour yoolj H roiilnr tntir m, nod you vttl buotijto H tnntgr, . ll tUmtafa to wlilqli H waiW3iv mibpot. OoftitlpjiiloM 'Ih H n vr$ lmplo thing, tut 1II:b many H Dimple things, It may lend to torlono H couqiii.of Ktnr often nneilM n H I Kiln fitpuum o4 jluu Otjumbiir- H IiiIii's ffciileU roijrn at tha Urst H liiillufltitit, rone dUtfeM wail Riiircr- H in tuny ln ttvoMtd. H Fm mjn by I'uluco Drug Co. fl Notice. H U.Ito.l 8tut T;nwl Olllac, .Suit H 'nki-oitr, utiu. Anau i(,.iflii. H To WIioiii It Mh.v OoiM'rui H Notion U hereby yivti Hint (lie H fn(ilu(( frxotlunitl tiifblp pint H linn Ii tn rcivil Mt I bin rlliou from H tbt UnlU'l utUj 8.ior Uinorul H fcr Ulftli, H 'loscyshlp 1)0 H.nitt,, Uaiu 10 V0., 8. I, Mr H t3lI pint w4t I mJii.fJHf. H olUqt,ljiy I3i ipilt MidtbB Bhitu H - lirtrnRiiiVir1l'H pifMfW -frfellt of Hj Beluollgh, fijitUMIi ;An of Aijguil B 13, 18 Win hM t.jwliV.i u.-t'cott H titular VllhU inltlU'ffFlur-Hii'tluly M 18, IBHOg-wlll 0o !i'ivy,l t ii)ill(July H li, luniQoiwtiif, wiiii;u wiiioh to H oxorulfo Avfitttbur fatfiU It tony B li'ivo. M .:i i. ii H lVim mid i :ut J iKr!2, Jflii, tiio H roumloliij? ilfuiVW, 'piWiIiI'' Ajoiti' tnt H ikuy, will tut an tjQt n eutw . untlor tlio p'lljlln (himI lawn. H lUuUtur. H When yen) wttut 'ty erfrlttir ri'IMr, H lllxmllH, (KlfllUlU lll'l I il (MHO to tlio H U coord Ollluo Tnu lieit U oriloU In' ntcol, (ifuf ut Hlnd lowtr thun uau H on ototjihu'l i lu-st'oir. H r A' ' 0ki' Ul-JJi.' )ll IttUAJ H nn v n ' ' ur , t u! m ioihir mi H tut in i i' I'ltt'lT aiiiltlta, (. iKiiiuiilrA. B " uotlii iiililiiiuL IANt)&00 'Ml I'mKMU Hl . lrH, ' t (,!. riurir . tluu. H l'ulwuu Ukuil llrUfh Mium ,t L)L r(T-t) H ' -htJ Mutiny in i- hoK uhr, in i UM Scientific JSiiicncdii j s' Tewf u. isr r U u.4 mv7m. ' ... t Pftte and Finishes -as . . for Your Home" .' ; -?jf If there is a shabby surface in your home to be painted, enameled, stained, varnished or finished in any way, we have just what you need ( ; (producing the exact finish desired in the line of '-; .;: ; . ACME QUALITY .-..'- ' ., - . WK PAINTS AND FINISHES ,50 us shw y.11 colors fr painting your house or barn,' samples of finishes 1 . .fWSi Wilvof k, walls, ceilings or furniture. Let us help you make shabby I SliffiM! nc' An attractvc. ' 1 ' -TtfiWllttl: Ct a copy of THE ACMK QUALITi' PAINTING GUIDRrBOiyiC It telUAThatiAcmejQuaHty " , fcf ttojsn' """1 pf is -the only J Insured J ' f Just Thinllof it? """" "ssassBaBss J X Tub Freb Sewing Machine U in- J 5 sured for hve years ngainnt accident breakage, wear, fire, tornado, light- j i ning and water. This showa our j j faith in i f j Sewing Machine ThlnU wliM. tbt rnennt U Irt plar thai roo biiik ihe 6l aachlss i i. or any mil (ntfclU. Wli, ot atlKhmat. etc.) s x f It vtit be itriKtJ to rue without cbnc. t Sfnd for p... tuwkltt "In the Day's Work i TnSvNcMACHtNB Co., Clucacp, HI J Tor Solo b CEDAR MERCANTILE & LIVE STPrY ' ? i i i (' I 1 c L v i I i . Bye l-tm i , To throw away that faded garment would be ; wasteful. You can make it look like new by dying I i it. We have a full line of easy to use dyes and A l can supply any shade or color desired. Fast colors v r for wool, cotton or silk. f 5 ' We carry the famous PUTNAM FADELESS 9 DYES that are guaranteed to do the work. An investment of a few cents and a slight amount of j work will give you a now handsome garment. L f We also want you to remember that we carry J the swellest line of clothing samples in the city, I f al prices within the roach of all. You ought to see the samples whether you buy a suit or not. - We guarantee our goods. I i b hj - i, I ? Palace Drug Store 5 "The House of Relii.ble Goods." 1 IF IT'S A WAGON ' I fe; m 5 You want, or 'a buggy, harness, saddle, pack Eg ' outfit, or farm implements, just call on the N I Old Reliable Parowan Go-op. i ; g We carry in stock U. S. Cream Separators; that g I means the BEST. g Wc want your money, and you need our flour, gg 6 Every sack guaranteed. Garden seeds now in. s & Your "wisK is our x; l?sure. Call and & w5 $j let us Know your needs. go 1 Paro.-vvan Co-op. M. Cgl M. I. 1 " m TeiitT, Salt Item and latm j ' Sore Nipples and dapped Haads LrfwredK1. vhMuVi3maa5u, cawi An: piick'y cut-d bv "appTvljig Cttamlierilu"" wn i 'tt4 Ihc Jtiinr and bwM2 wn'iw salve Tr il ii is a suctvks. Tn.x- ccnt-s |