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Show Cemetery to bt Beautified. The oity oounoll haa made Arrangement, Arrange-ment, whereby the sexton will do tba Irrigating of cemetery lots this sesaon. It Is desired tbat everyone owning lot will plaut some hubbry or lawn, under tbe supervision, of tha sexto. They are assured that whatever what-ever is planted will le kept properly grtwiag, and all they will bavo to do It to plant what tbey desire and keep tbe weeds down. Any person who anticipates the planting of lawn will do well to confer con-fer with tbo sexton for Information as It how and when this should be attended to. Cedar is noted for having tbe neatest and beat kopt cemetery in Southern Utah, aud it is up tu the people to still further beautify it un til It o.-n bn said tbat we havo tbe very bcit in the state. " |