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Show Are We Held Up By The "Men Higher Up?" . TW dfUh and Grand Cbbtob Rail-xowji Rail-xowji grading km temporarily bub maim Saturday area log, paadlag mioa by tbe U. S. Land Ottlca oa ike granting tbe right of way over tbe government lands. The depart I meat iotioiateB tbat it will require (our months time to Battle tbiB mat ter. For tbe present tbo Utah nud ". ' Grand Oanvon Railtoad Co. isoutotf from tbe present terminal, Lund, by about twenty miles of government land between Lund and tbo rrlvate right of wa'y they bavo seoured, upon which tbey have beeu grading and baveone mile of finished grade oom ploted, two miles plowed, four miles ...grubbed and twelve miles oro?a too-tloned. too-tloned. u- If aottori oanuot be eecured In a 1 Iosb time than four months it means tbat )oug dolay In grading operation, or a dolay for any longtb of time it ! requires the department to act. Ttio Commercial OInb have passed resolu tlons and otherwise taken aatiou and are doing everything within tbolr '" power to have our representation urge upon the department to tako speedy aotion in this railroad matter. Wo hae tha teams and men who need the work, uud who havo boon rendering auob efficient service In this line, for tbe past four weoks, and to completes v tbo' entire grado between Kanarra and j- tbe Iron Bprings gap. It moans tbat ' ''tbouaaBda ofUbllMrawllljaotom.eiir. "" . "4 ' looal teams, men, "and to our mer ohantB. It means an inoreaeoot hus f in eta at onoe It meana that men of k oapltal will oome into our country NOW as well as hereafter and that the time to act, and for all to aot in harmony, is at band. We extend to all a hoarty welcome to enter Into 'bis movement to "Boost tbe Dixie JjuJo" without kuockiug faj'-ta Maun upon the flame" tormo .Pf gtfpjtty traok, for we are going &i JfrJWjftjj "Bd, and have it Sjl$$ TaaJJtab and Grand Canyon Rail-JrJ&6& Rail-JrJ&6& ppfPB7 BBVe deaa.aore in the ?Tfc thirty days towards tbe actual btlHdiBg of n railroad than alt tbe otkara have -don in 30 years; done It without glvla us any hot air; paid their bills promptly; bava a thousand dollars et Maaalaery on tbe ground d:Baey a depot it to pay their jtjHa f or werk they' may order doat, ajyi are bbxIoud 4 proceed waea they ajre assured thv aaa, da so wtth safety, safe-ty, with as laareassd fore. All foroee Bra aetoa; brought to Wivw "powers that baM aa la wajajaeaatiTUy at tha Cedar ;a " ' ,3MM4J0WaB4BKBaai9ib aad proatiBent 'BjajaSil rfcaatiaa. Tba first . .' ajiiaTnalffn" -nt Govaraer Spry and K JKH 'WMaarlar taiegrap seat blaa tuvtatfbla to use hit Influesap with 4JwtJtah Beaatora tbat tbey get busy I "Sat-aweae with tba propar departments ; 1 3dr City (toa, April 24, 101 J. I gov. wm. away ' I SaltLaVQKy I Par eeawi reasaa tba J be right of I way o lib J' Oread Uaaye R. I R. Oa Vae ajawaaitat lands la I Iroa Qaaaty-SWd'ap la Wathiag- toa. The people of this district ask as a favor that you urga oar repre-contatlvas repre-contatlvas Id Wathtngtoa to sea tbat this right of way matter is cleared op without delay. CEDAR CITY COM. CLUB. The next gnu was trained on tbo Hon. Reed Smoor, Utah's Senator who is an not ho friend of this seotlon of oouotry, and tbo telegram reads as follows: Oedor City, Utttb, April 25, 1911. Hon. Rt)d Smoot, United gtateB Senate .... --'-Washington, L). C. Suspension or all construction wort nn tbe Utnb it Qraud Canyon R. R. will bo nucoiBBry If Immediate aotion is not taken nn the application for right of way over government lands. The people of this distrlot are deeply oonoernod over this matter and ask as a favor tbat you have it olearod up without delay. CEDAR CITY COM. CLUB. The third gun, and no doubt accurately aimed, la tho petition tbat Is being circulated in tbe two oouu-tiea oouu-tiea wbloh is being signed by all the busluees men and everybody interest ed in tho road, asking that our Senators Sena-tors take immediata aotion In tho matter. There is u "ulgger in the woodpile" . BpmewlierpjJtndlt.JU T!opiytuTt rTo'natlon takon will dis- loditb him. Wbou he has boon driven from his atroughold thoro will bo but little doubt left in the tulods of the people, tbat be bns poeed as a friend t'i Southern Utnb, only to not as a "fluako ln4tbe grass". It is to be hoped, however, that all will coino out as tha pooplo desire and that activo grading will not be long suspended. ' Since the above waa put into type the following answers to tho telegrams have been received : Washington, D. 0. April 25. 1011. Gommerolal Club, Cedar City, Utah. After obnferenoe with Commission' it, promise to mako application of Utah (b'Grand Canyon Railroad Co. for right of way special, and immediate immedi-ate but lop follows. General Land Office Of-fice oompeiled to whit a few days oa report of Reoiamatlou Servloa and Geological surrey. The rafctUr will b hurried and you will aa kept Informed. In-formed. SENATOR GEO SUTHERLAND. Commercial Club, Cedar City, Utah. Gomtniasiouers of General Land Otllue will mako case of U 4 0. G. R. R. Co., speolal and will takait up for immediate consideration. SENATOR REED SMOOT. . Gommerolal Club, Cedar City, Utnb. Right of Railroad made speolal and consideration of it made immediate. ProraUe speedy adjustment. REPRESENTATIVE HOWELL. |