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Show COUNTRY VS. CITY t By Uncle John. (From Autocnster Service) You can fool around tho city, till you'ro old enough to die, with ycr soul n-gcttln' smaller every minnit; you'll ketch yersclf n-longln' for n stretch of azure sky, or" a medder with some clover-blossoms in it You can hang around the shndy-spots an' loafer dens of town, tryin tb mnko 'em think you nre contented, but don't you sorter realize you're tryin' to swallcr down as big a He, as over was invented? . 7 f You can jog around the pavement, not enjoyin' any load, an' pretend thnt you arc happy though rctire'dj but. blame it all, you'd ruther trot along a country road, whcro license an' policemen ain't required You can speed up all you want to, or slow up liko a snail, or tuko a nap I reckon if you'ro sleepy, you dream about tho city man a-swentin' in his jail, an' the very idea starts you fcelln' creepy. Now listen to a feller that is ablo to advise, it wouldn't bo tqo truth if I denied it, tho little farm you- live on is next to Paradise don't pino fer city lifo until you'vo tried it. |