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Show CARD OF THANKS. Wo wish to express to tho good people of Cedar' City our gratefulness nnd appreciation for the many kindnesses kind-nesses and tho hearty sympathy shown us In tho loss of our beloved husband, father and brother. Your helpfulness and sympathy in our timo of need have mado such impressions upon our hearts as timo shall novor efface. Wo thank our friends nnd neighbors from tho fullness of grateful grate-ful hearts and trust that tho Morclful Father will bo as mindful of you should the occasion over arise, as Ho hns been of us. Mrs, Henry Eddnrds and Family. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. J. Eddards. FOR SALE My farm of 92 acres all fenced, 37 acres alfalfa, substantial house, barns, ynrds, plenty of shnde in summer, sum-mer, class "B" water right. Just right for dairy farm. Enquire ROBERT MUMFORD. P. O. Cedar City, or Midvalley. TAKEN A tongue scraper from tho cement dnm of tho North Field. Person having same will please roturn to T. J. JONES, Cedar City. Adv. Apr. 14. 3t. For general spring tonic try Rsxnll Snrsopnrilla Tonic, $1.25 bottle. Cedar City Drug Co. Adverti&nien:, For coughs, colds and congestion uso Rcxall Mustard Ointment. Will not blister'. GO cents jar. Cedar City Drug Co. Advertlsment. ' ' Th.e.RecordO, yfJJBi,.,,,, FOR SALE Alfalfa and Barley seed. Enquiro of Mrs. Chns. R. Hunter, Hunt-er, Phone No. 27f2; Adv. April 14. 2t. . N , BABY CHICKS-R. if Reds,1 Bhck Minorcns, Barred and White Rocks, "Buff , Orpingtons, - Ahconnst Buff, Whito nnd Brown Leghorns, every week. ENOCH CREWS . . - . - Sqabrlght,JJalIfornia. mm FOR RENT . 080 acres of mountain land. 80 acres of luccrn land for lambing sheep. Frco uso of n good piece of corn land. G. W. ESPLIN-Adv. ESPLIN-Adv. April 7. 3t. Hello Fblkr! . I'm Old Doc Bird of the reV cartooa .rerier, especially drcmrv for thir rxerpaper by Iiick of the Dewer Rd; AmericcLr foremarfc Cartooruxir. I am $ou6 to Kave' xmethii6 mikfcv iixterextm to say eacKVeek. WATCH FOR. IT . Insurance That Protects For- the very best in Life Insurance or Fire in- ' surance, at the most reasonable rates, see Foster & Corry, the fellows who will protect you while living and look after the wife and orphans when you are dead. FOSTER AND CORRY MHMIHHHMHHWnHBHHHHMMMI A Word to all Good Husbands. "Safety Sirst" ;,.- dBlc Ward Hall - - April 28. iQllSyory Bacon I i U nii'i I 1 Afewslicesofourde- 1 MM fOll 1 licious, tasty bacon VjA lIVll or breakfast will I i) Iah4 start your y just ' v-Sgglpxl Used in many other yf-y JA ways that may sug- Ki - J gest themselves, you Vv J will always find our J-" I bacon sure to add en- --gjfig0 1 joyment to the meal. We always have the 1 best and sell it either I in sides or sliced, as 5? you choose. Full Weight GUARANTEED and Price Rial URIE HEAT riARKET Man, 2an relievo , pain ,, of w blind 'bteecling Itching piles. 86 centS. Ccifar City Drug Co. QKThriflyfi .. .11 " ""s""- l I'm going to work for Somebody in this town. Every week I will deliver a mes-sage mes-sage of real 'worth while interest. But who dbYou sup-pose sup-pose has engaged Me Who? Watch next week's issue of this paper- DON'T MISS IT! primmed, apdUntrimnicd Ileadwear Tor Ladles and Children. Large stock of Flowers, Feathers. Ornaments, wire & buchram frame. Located upstairs In Sheep Store ..Bldgv FRQYD'S MILLINERY. Adv. Apr 7. 3t. naBBBMnaBiBBHBRiBBsnmi norman Mccarty teacher of voice . and piano Pupils Prepared for Advanced Werk In Any of tho Leading Conservatories of Music STUDIO AT THE B. A. C. ' 1 R. D. ADAMS Photographer -J Portraiture Kodak Fimsjfltf Main St. nnd College Avenue Cedar City " ' i wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm GEORGE R. LUND Lawyer St. George, Utah. Will attend all terms of court in Iron County. Telephone in Office and Residence. JiiiMiiiiiwiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiniiiiii iimilmnmuiiliumiiiMiimiK SHAY Be LUNT I ATTORNKYS-AT-U AW I Mercantile Block f OEDAR OITYi UTAH j UUllllMHIIMHIIIMUItllllMlllinilltll.lllllllIHHlll1IIU1IIUIIItlhUlimillllM1lllit HELPFUL SERVICE. t It has been our consistent policy since the foundation of this bank to render a real service to our customers, based on a friendly interest in their welfare. YOUR SUCCESS IS OUR SUCCESS Your account is respectfully invited. .. IRON COMMERCIALS SAVINGS BANK ; CEDAR CITY, UTAH I ' Thorley Theatre. April 16 to 22. , : ,. ., ,.- .; ,. Monday. Wanda Hawley in "Her Sturdy Oak." Comedy, "Late Hours." t , " .. . ' , Tuesday and Wednesday. "The Whistle!'. A Western feature and a Century Comedy. " . ' Thursday and Friday. Mae Hurry' in "The Gilded Lily;" A Paramount picture.. Saturday. Tom Mix in "A Riding Romeo". "Winners of the West." jl "SPRIG HAB CUB!" 1 i SHE HAS BEEN A LONG TIME ON THE WAY, BUT f ALL THE BETTER. FOR THAT FOR WE APPRE-1 APPRE-1 CIATE HER MORE. No season makes us feel more like cleaning up and dressing up. i Now is the time to kalsomine the ceiling and your walls, also to put down new Linoleum. We have some new, refreshing patterns in plain and inlaid. WHEN IT COMES TO DRESSING UP YOU SHOULD SEE OUR SILKS AND ORGANDIES, CREPES AND GINGHAMS, ETC. ! See our stock of Ladies' Pumps and Oxfords, just arrived. , i Cedar Sheep Ass'n i . - . . w Sm |