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Show PERSONAL. BB . :. - ., B , John .Armstrong of ,Enoph .was a M , business visitor in Cedar Tuesday. BBB Hj M. II. Dnlley states that the farm H' ' lonn money, is slowly. -but surely H "- coming into town. - BBB B J.C. Carpenter mndo n business B trip" to St. Gcorgo tho fore pnrt of HAV . f tho' week.' , V ' Assessor Hillman Dnlley informs H us that the commissioners meeting B that should have been hold last Mon- H day has ben postponed until next H Monday. H F. B. Wqotf reports that whilo in B Salt Lake". CHy. ho 'noticed that busi- H noss there: was in fair condition, and B that the', Conference 6f the L. D. S. M Church "was , Vfdl attended, despite H tho inclement weather. fl Thos. Urie returning a few days H ago from the, Antelopo Spring country B reports that -'there has beon moro H snow In that section thnn hereabouts, B and that the cattle and sheep nre.suf- H fering considerably becauso Of tho H cold, iblizzardy weather and - lack of BBB ' forage.'-1 H J. II. Fife, proprietor of tho Ar-H Ar-H . rowhend Garage, made a trip to Mil- B ford Wednesday, returning yester- H day with a Ford Coupo for Jack H Wright, and a Ford Sedan for E. E. H Williams. Mr. Fife reports business H picking up in tho nutomobilo line. BBB H A week ago J. A. Kopp, of Kopp's H Garage, returned from Salt Lako B City and reports that tho nutomo- H bilo business of that section of the H state Is improving, ns is all other H lines of business, duo ho thinks to H tho opening of tho copper mines and H smelters at Gnrficld and vicinity. BBBBBlf -h H Samuel Ford of Knnarra spent B Wednesday in Cedar visiting and nt- BBH tending to business. B E. E. Williams made a trip to the Bj Valley Thursday and upon his return H stated that tho condtlon in thnt sec- H tion of Pron County is worso than in B Cedar and vicinity, mud nnd slush BBH being far deeper. BBB BBB R. D. Adams, photographer, is pro- BBB ducing some of tho "niftiest" views HH ' of tho Cedar Breaks, Zion Canyon, H ,Bryce Canyoi'and'tho Grand Canyon, H Step into thel, Record 'office and sco BBBBBB t tSl r J.j -, ts BH somo of his work. It's classy and H ' ,up-lQ-thG-second,Jin artistic finishing. BBB; BBB.' nBHMMIWWHgHMAHflM |