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Show AIR EXPRESSES CRASH HEAD ON Sl People Killed In First Accident of Aerial Paosangcr Route Paris. -Tho Paris and London norlal expresses odlidod In midair Friday afternoon over tho village of Thloul-loy, Thloul-loy, soventy miles north of Purls. The pilots of both airplanes, throe pas-augers pas-augers and one mechanic woro killed In wreckage that fell flaming to the ground. The French airplane, piloted by Aviator Mire, nldod by a mechanic, was carrying throo passengers. It left Lchoiirilft, In tlie en Irons of Paris, at noon for London. Tho Ilrltlsh airplane, which loft Crojdon In the London area Friday morning, carried mall and was manned only by n pll, t. - Tho pii'-s.iugcrs In the Paris wore M. llourloz, M. and Mine. Julian Urusl. The lli'It'sli machine, piloted b, wlntor Duko, had been In use onlj three days, on tho express route. It belonged be-longed to u new company oporntlng it Purls-London service. The accident occurred during n f-ig. tho pilots seeing each other too late to avoid n collision. |