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Show Obstacles Increase Love. i I Because mantejmtujrallyaglitlBff'r- - ". ""H tel5ol,hf9TclB7oTroverconiordlfl1ctiI-!' JM tlos nnd Wove! obstacles. ''The fruit H at tho top of the treo must be tho H best nnd sweetest,'" ho argues, and. H so, ho yearns for tho almost unattaln- H able, and tho moro difficulties ho con- H qucrs, tho moro branches he climbs, H tho moro desirable, piquant, and lova- H bio docs tho dangling fruit . at tho H summit of tho treo appear. M It 1b in human natur.o to highly H raluo that which Is hardly attained ;i H henco, It Is that n man's love Is fed; H by tho hindrances which are placed H in his way. Exchange. |