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Show HAS GOOD SHOWING I Chloride Canyon Properly Promise I Great Things. I Only One Wall of Ledge Yet Encoim- tcred Mr. Oaughcrty Is Unthuslastlc. H William Daugborty camo in from H Chloride Canyon a fow daya siuoo H and spout the Fourth in town. Ilo H una boon engaged in tbo development H of bis mlniug property nt that pnloo. H A shaft baa been sunk n littlo better H than 30 l'eot, aud Mr. Daugherty suyii H thoy bavo au o.xcollont showing. H Snmplos havo beon taken of the ore. H that assay at high as GO per cent load, H bosidos somo gold and stiver. M It is tho intontion to sink to n H dopth of 50 feet nud then crosscut to H aBOortaiu tho oxtont of tho lodgu, only one wall of which has yet beon oucountorod. M Associated with Mr. Daugborty iu ( tho ownership of tho property nro .7. R, Riokards and Will Stoveus, both H of this ollv. LB Mr. Daugborty is n milling man of H extonsivo oxporiouco, aud ho holds to. s M tho opinion that this is tbo making M of ono of tbo biggost and best rainmi M iu tho sate. Souator Kbariis' expert vaB Mr. Wosnitt, la kdopng uu oyo on M the property and has socurcd tampion M from it upon mora than ono occusiou. H Hp is evidently waiting until aulllo. M ont dovolopmeut shall bavo been donu to demouRtrnto just wbat tho proporty H is, whou u deal oommeneurnto wltTi! H values is likoly to rosult. H Ohlorldo Cauyon ia ouly throo Or l H fdur miles fpm. tbo Blair group on sal Silver Mountain, and is In tbo enmo ' 'H zono with ho Bullion Cauoyu prop- H ertioa and othertt wbtob go to maku , H I up ono of tho most promising dlBtrlotn WaB I lu pnuthorn Jtah. MH |