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Show Thro wu4 also n nail driving con-tost con-tost for girls) u throo-loggod raco In which boys( tfnd glrlB woro coupled togothor; iln egg raco for girlB, a wheelbarrow raco for boyi , n basket ball gamo for girls, followed by a sobbing match in which all of tho vanquished team partioipatod. Thoro was tho regulation greasy polo, but tho groasy pig must havo osoapod ontirely, for ity failod to make its appoarnuoo on tho grounds. A relay raco, a barrel contest nud n numbor of racos f6r ehildrnu completed tbo Hstt.Qf ovonts. v Evorybodp soemod out to havo a good timo, aud nobody got. drunk. Tho ball in tho ovoniug olo'sod tho day'B onjoymeonts, and everybody wont homo thoroughly tired. |