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Show Br ' - y .. i "THE KNIAZ POTEMKINE ' HAS NOT SURRENDERED Russian Mutineers Have Taken Cap. tured Warship to .Coast of Rou. I ' mania. Odessa. Tho Knlaz Potemklno sailed on Saturday, apparently in tho .direction of tho Roumanian coast, and nothing has Bincd been henrd of her. Wlth her doparturo tho situation for tho moment has taken a moro favora- bio turn. Tho correspondent of n press association asso-ciation has boon told officially that the mutinous crew of the Qoorgi Pobleilo- nostez havo informed tho governor general of their Intention to surrender. , VIco Admiral Kruger's squadron: haying left for Sobastopol, tho Ocorgl Pobiedono3tc2 is tho only warship re- malning hero. Tho only element of immediato dan- ' ger from mutinous sailors now ap- f' pears to Ho with tho Knlaz Potomklno. Tho authorities announco that they i ;wlll Issue n proclamation to tranquil lzo tho population. v Public oxcltemcnt ,and tho exodus of tho peoplo continue. '' Tho telegraph ofllco Is crowded and ' " " tho consulates arc overwhelmed with, .applications to vlzo passports.' Tho British consul has arranged .with four British steamers and ono INorweglan steamor to remain off tho port so as to be in readiness, in caso of danger, to removo foreign subjects. 'Tho nowspapcrs aro under tho mill. itary censorship and do not contnin tho slightest reference to tho-happen- lings In tho harbor. An unconfirmed1 (roport says that tho Knlaz Potom- iklno transferred a number of revolu- 'tlonnrles, Including students and somo Jewish girls, to a British steamer, tho ' jnamo of which Is not given. |