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Show r " "" WILD-DOAR HUNT IN JAPAN. Savage Animals Provldo Good Sport for Hunters. "Shojl's quietude has Just been disturbed dis-turbed by a big wild-boar hunt," says a Japancso paper. "Latoly tho cold weather has driven tho wild boars down near tho villages. Tho other day a party of hunters routed out sovon or eight boars on tho hills. A hunter named Krahoi wounded ono of tho unsightly creatures and tho animal started down tho hill to upset things gonorally. Reaching tho tiny villago of Furusokl, ho rushod through a flour mill and attacked a woman who wns cleaning wheat In a shed hard by, Injuring hor somowhat badly. A farmer farm-er namod Ho Kunlchlro, hearing tho woman's cry for holp, rushed to hor nsslstanco and struck tho boar with his mattock, thus drawing tho animal's ani-mal's attention to himself. Tho noise now drow others to tho spot and when tho hunters rcachod tho villago they found that tho peasants had succeeded In giving tho hoar his qulotus, and that a hugo feast was in storo for all." |