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Show Shaking Up In Indian Department. Washington. Fred II. Wilson, acting act-ing superintendent, and soven clerks of tho Indian warehouso In Now York City wero suinmnrlly dismissed from offlco Friday by Secretary Hitchcock, as tho result of rovelatlcfamadolnaii' Inspection of tho ofllco by Indian In. Bpoctor Nosier, who preferred charges of lrrogularlty In tho conduct of tho of. flee, Including Wilson's accounts, In order to protect a numbor of employees em-ployees who wero not performing any sorvlco for tho government. TIjIh Wilson was ablo to do by reason of tho fact that ho was also tho dlsburs-Ing dlsburs-Ing agent for tho warehouse f Thoro wero fourteen persons on thq payroll, whllo Inspector Nosier as. ports that four or flvo wero all that woro necessary. Of thoso on tho roll It Is assorted several woro rondorlng no service whatover. Onp of them was a barkeeper, who, It is charged, loldom visited tho ofllco. |