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Show WANTWIN. Mako your Vlf8nMknwri through these columos. Hu IQl t0 b nell. or oxobanjtojftro pottj, iIU80 coy. umns will brlntfp.O" it8UUi T()e price Is ono cent per wort each ut,vv lion, und puylnonudio'ild n aecompiiny copy fJfH'hcrilseiiu.,,,, "" WANTED WANTED Trustworthy mnn or woman to innnngo, bualncBs in this comity nud adjoin ing territory for woll established: house of solid II-nanoial II-nanoial standing? 820.00 straight caah salary with all nccesBary ox-ponsos ox-ponsos paid woqkly by check from hendquarors. ,MoMy advanced for oxponsos. Position pormanent. No invostmont required. Wo furnish everything. Enoloso self-nddresfced onvolopo. Addross, Manager, 810 Como Blook, Ohicngo, 111. 5.5, WANTED 10 men in each stato to travol, tack signs and distribute Earn-pies Earn-pies and oirculnra of our goods. Sul-ury Sul-ury 375.00 Pf0 month. 83.00 por day for expenses. KUHLMAN CO., Dopt. S. AtlaajBuildliig, Chicago. FOH SAlrKEAL ESTATE. Eigbt-roorrjeii' brick house, full lot with wntor rightt desirably located in Cedar City; $od collar, barn, stables and othor outbuildings; small orchard. orch-ard. Dirt cheap for cush. Apply to Jos. T. Wilkinson. Cedar City. Professional Cards, J "VY F. KNOX, L Attorncy-at-Law. I Will Practice In all CourU of the State. H BE A VERITY - VI AH. RELIABLE ASSAYS Gold $ .75 I Cold and Slher $1.00 1 Lead ,"" I Gold, Silver, CoiT 1.50 H SAMPLES BY MAIL REC IV PR0VIP II A TENTION Placer Gold, RctorUJmdKIc h Orerouplilffl Send for Free Malllni; Knvn. & Pike J.tsil OGDCN ASSAY CO. 1725 Araphoe St., Denver Colo. H I mmmsmmBmmitMi 1111 waiS Nolary-Publlc. i Mining and Probate Business. All Kinds of CoiiTiyancluz Driiwu, j Hi. FMGICETT, Undertaker, LICENSED EAIBALA1ER. I Colli us und CuskeU always on haud ' ST. OEORUe, . UTAH. HOMER" MoCARTY MONHOU - UTAH Central and Southern Utah Ucat Ustatc. JluysWl Sells rarnis, Ranches, Sheep Herds, Creameries Creamer-ies and Merchandise Storcn. J, A, MELVILLE, jj Attomcu-ul-Law and District Attorney. FIFTH JUDICIAL Dl TRICT-Will TRICT-Will attend all gcsilnnH of the District 1 Court In Washington anj im counties. Address: Fillmore City, Utah. fEO. B. GREENWOOD Attornor-at-Law. 1 C.eiicral office A Court Practice of alllduds Lout' distance Telephone In both Office I and Resldesce, t Beaver, - Utah. II EDMOND H. RYAN, I Attorner-at-Law. ! Office over DanK. CEDAR, CITY - UTAH, j Donald A. McGregor, PHySICIANrad SUROEON . Office at Kesldencc, 1 Hilt. Soutu of Meeting Hoime, PAR0VAN " UTAH I OTSCXlCPENiTiK DENTIST, t All Up-to-date 1'roHthctlc Dentistry. Plato World hwclalty. N. V. CARPENTER, EXPWRT OPTICIAN. Opposite Co-op. btore. - CcdarCltv. . f , Mining location otlcos coal sutry blanks, proof 4Mi)r a,,(J othor mluiug blttiiks foBj'tt.tlil We Make Travel Easy, t ' MB 1 ff HL J UNI r Uji t ' Wum lvHI ! HUH J The Sign of Speedy Speed and Comfort KB! 3 Trains Daily 3 wM From UTAH to BH g- Kansas City, St. Joe, Chicago, Gal- HH veston, El Paso and the Mining HB 4r Camps of New Mexico and $ 1 Arizona. BIH S- Ask Us About Cheap Rates This Summer. 1 eg- V. G. WAUKICX, General Agent Atchison, Toneku & Santa Fo -Jfi H c. Kaihwiy t o. ball Lake City, Utah. m 1 .I. i i - H JUST f RASY ' I j!!!Ssii',f)nft 1tfin ' uy urn'turo from us by H SlV''"'''flyP mail as It Ib to do tho purchasing l lpAliii nLTTrn in poraon. iH VwirVru !sggS Send your ordors for anything H fpM.nPWti! iiertiiining to Houso Furnishing iH ggJMM und our experienced judgment will f'il fwMflc1 ilvEilfflJ, mttko n Batisfaotory soloctlon. Jil lmi aS&s "V rlto today for description and H fpBPfeivi r-j-rmd-u.1. . im MWWf Promptness and Fairness arc J J H mmmr ,he Matures of our Alail Order H -" Hw'.. Department. H GREENEWALD FURNITURE CO. 33-35-37 W. 3rd So. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. I I ik Ml Typewriter ' 2 ( Price Considered, vHHHk 1 y Now on the MurKet is Un- SSvSHNHH ) 1 C THE NEW ' H SUN. """ ' i4' . (7)' 0 r It possesses all the advantages of many of tho high priced ma- tH LS chines and many points of superiority, such as tho direct inking iH C and juintitig (Uice, which cuts oil tho cxpenso of ribbons, and J IH 0 at tho same time ulves a sharpness of impression and beauty of W ' r C work that caMiitle duplicated by any ribbon machine. J ' ( it is small and compact, low-priced, and is a type-bar macliino. "S lll X Light running and a heavy nianifolilcf. . Q ll W Cull and iuspect Eaui)lo or write for circular. s WILKINSON & WILKINSON, Agonts. X ! Cedar City Utah j 'M 0vwwvXDvaG)GXw0wGXJIXo M 51 GITY DRUG STORE. I r- DEALERS IN H J.J.J. pure Drugs H Toilet Articles, H Fine Perfumery, H Choice Cutlery, M Wj Hot Water Bottles, H Syringes, Etc, H SPT Doctors' Prescriptions D tft.-irtrv?' Carefully Compounded by a M II Registered Pharmacist H BENJ. F. KNELL, Proprietor. H SUBSCRIBE FOR THE RECORD'. I |