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Show H BIRDS ARE EASILY POISONED. H Mature Seems to Have Neglected to H Safeguard Them. B Wnls scorn to linvo no dlscrlmlna- H (Ion whntovcr In regard to poisons, M probably because thoy have almost no H Bonso of smell and swallow their food H without niostlcatliiK It. Thoy aro tor M rifled to paralysis by the appoaranco m of a poison snake (unless tho terror M bo duo to dread of tho appearance of B tho serpent rather than to an in B horlted knowledge of its venomous M power), but such intelligent birds as M rooks will pick up and cat poisoned M grain, and crows and ravens readily H eat poisoned egg or meat. Chickens H will cat tho poisonous seeds of labur- B num nnd dlo from its effects. Whether M birds such ns tits and greenfinches H ever do so docs not scom to bo known. . But wild birds are frequently found B dying In gardens, though apparently H thoy hnvo "boon In good health a few M hours beforo, and their death may bo H probably duo to tho consumption of 1 poisonous seeds. H TABLET FROM HEROD'S TEMPLE, H Pennsylvania Museum Hat Cast M Taken from Priceless Relic. H A cast of ono of tho inscriptions on B Herod's Tofnplo, at Jorusalom warn- fl lng Gontlloa not to enter, has boon ro- B cently added to tho collection in the 1 University of Pennsylvania Museum. m The Jewish templo was sacred to tho 1 followers of that religion, and upon B the big slab Imbedded in the doorpost was writton in Greek and in Latin: B . "No foreigners shall enter within tho B balustrade and incloBure around the M temple. Whoever Is caught will have B himself to blamo for his death, which B-. will follow." It will be remembered B that the Jows wero much stirred up H against Paul because he "brought H Orccks Into the templo and hath pol- H luted tho holy place." According to B Joscphus, thoso inscriptions were at B every gate, but only ono has been H. round. Whllo Prof. Hllprecht was H working in tho Imperial museum at H Constantinople as director ho dlscov H ered tho G$ono and had tho cast made B for the university. Old Ponn Weekly B Review. |