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Show g H. RYAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW NOTARY PUBLIC . . . Furniture Block, - Cedar City. geoTbTgreenwood" .-- -Attorney-nt-Law. General Office and Court practice of all kinds. UKAVint - - UTAH. V..Vknox, Attorney-at-Law. Will practice In all Courts of the State. j2,lK?tf CITY, UTAH. .'Eft'vfOho''e N". I i Wm. Iloucbcit J. " Arthur i ) HOUCHEN & ARTHUR j A Notaries I'ulillc, I.4111I liml Mining A Attorney. I " SURVEYORS. i AllLniiiliiinlJIInlnirliuslin-wil'nminli 7 ly iitt.iliMt in, l.lit your Iti-nl JiHWto T A ii'iul JllnliiK l'rtrtr with u. A rotury Public Alwayii liioOlan. V Ollluo In A KXIKKS 1II.HO, Cmlnr 01 y, Ulali. A g The Hew Market, j : Cedar, City, - Utah, Ij: : "V D C. URIE, PROP. ii 1 Pound ot Yenst Powd- !;!; ft era und a chlnu pluto for 8 2T)U. t I l'!y Hlnlie-t H tniifket price for Hides 1 " aa Pelta- t t t t ? Everything neat and clean. j I Your Trade Solicited. Contest Notice. DEPARTMENT OV THE INTERIOR. Unlti-d States Land Office, Salt Laku City, Utah June 3, 19tH. A miflicleiilcimlcRtiiniitavlt having been filed In thin iifllce by Miiyhew II, Daller, contestant, niralntt IIomcKtPAd entry No. 13197, made July PI. UA fr KM SUM see K and Ntf SW cc. AVilt) 33 S, mnire 9 W, by Edwin C. Cox, HLln, which It In alleged that Bald entry- NvRTfV JT9iid(iied'iulld tract aurtfhax mil cul tira(ed or resided on ald land for four years iJKtjiast. Thl failure to comply with law Is iiiot the result of employment in the army, nay ur marine corps of the United States. Siild .nrtlpn are hereby nolllled to atiDcar. re- pond and offer evidence touching K.ild allegation allega-tion at It) o'clock a. tn. on Auut 6 1904, liefore William Ilouchen, a notary public, at Cedar City, Utah, (and final hearing will bo held at 10 o'clock a. m August 16, liH before) the Reg-liter Reg-liter and Receiver at the United States Land Odlce In Salt Lake City, Utah. The nald conlentant having. In a proper aftl. davit, filed iune3, 1UU1. net forth facts which show that after due diligence iersonal xcrvlce of thin notice can not be made, it Is hereby or-dered or-dered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication In TlIK KllcoKli publtaucd at Cedar City. Utah. i'KANK I). llOJillS. Register, I II. Crnv, Attorney. Hirst June 1H- Last July 23 STATE LAND NOTICE. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE. Salt Lake City, Utah, Apr, 18, 1904. To Whom it May Conurn: Notice It herebv Riven thst the State of Utah lias filed In this ofhee, a lift No. 55, of land selected se-lected by Mild state for the establishment and maintenance of a Deaf & Dumb Asylum, under section 12 of thu act of Congress Con-gress approved July 18, liWM. The lollowlng tracts embraced ill said list, are in n township containing mineral claims ofrecord, viz: NWW SK Sec. 3; NKMlNCM Sec. 10, tp. 39 8., R U i, s L. Mer. A copy ofutldlM.ro lor s It relates to said tracts by descriptive subdivisions, lias been coniiilcitomly posted In this office for Inspection Inspec-tion by any person interested, and the public generally. Wlihlu the next sixty days lollowlng the date of this notice, under departmental iiisructious ot Novembet 27, 1R36, (13 L. !., 459), protests or contests against the claim of the State to any ol thetractsorsiibiltvtatonshcrelnbcfore described on the ground that the same Is more valuable for mineral than for agricultural purposes, will be regyJvrd and noted for report to the General LsncfuTlte at Washington II. C. l'alhire so to protest or contest within the time specified will be considered sufficient evidence ot the non mineral character of the said tracts, and the selection thereof, being otherwise free from oblectlou.wlll t recommended for approval. I'RANK D. HOnild, Register. GKO. A. SMITH, , - v Receiver. IFIrst April 30. Last June 25.1 STATE LAND NJ R . UNITED STATES LAND OF ICE. Salt Lake Cltr. Mav D, 1001. To Whom it May Conurn: Notice Is herrby given that the State of Utah has filed lit this office lists of lands selected se-lected by the said Htato under section 12 of the Act of Congress approved July 16. IttHI. The following tracts embraced In said lists sruin townships containing mineral claims of record, vli: 8W SKM sec 18 and N WW NKW sec 19. tp 35 S, R 9 W, embraced In list No59, Reform School, 6UW SKM sec IS; NKM NW and Iota 2 nndS sec 1. tp 35 S, KtW, embraced In list No. 55, School ot Mines, Copies of said litis, so far they relate to said tracts, by descriptive subdivisions, have been conspicuously posted in this office lor Inspection by any person interested, and by the public generally. gen-erally. , .. , , . During the sixty days uext following the date of this notice, under departmental instructions ofNovemberJ7,lsa,(23L. I. 459), protests or contests against thecialm of the State to any ol the tracts or subdivisions hereinbefore described, on the ground thst the ssme Is more valuab e formlnlitgthA'rbraRHcullnral purposes, will be received and noted for report to the General Land Office, at Washington, I. C. I'le so to protest or contest within the time specified will be considered sufficient evidence pi the noii-minerat noii-minerat character of sld tracts, and the se ec-Hon ec-Hon thereof, belntrothKvUe free from objection, will be recommended j ftP'-,,, JIOBlw 1 Hrgitier. Gxo. A, Smith, r Receiver. J'lrst ay B Last July 8 GEDAR GITY DRUGiH n it "v. H Pure Drugs, H Toilet Articles, ilH Fine Perfumery, Vl Choice Cutlery, l Mr Hot Water Bottles, Syringes, Etc, ST Doctors' Prescriptions J &&&&& & Carefully Compounded by a ) II II Registered Pharmacist , BENJ. F. KNELL, Proprietor. y J sttKHnnnKi.t:KKttssVjnHy.iAnnK I' N. T. PORTER PRES. CEO. W. MIDDLETOH, SECY. U. T. JONES, VICE-PRES. K h OTHER DIRECTORS. Jj K E. L. CLARK, WILLIAM REDD, JOHN L. SEVY, V j S AND M. D. III01JEE. j I Bank of Southern Utah. I ' CEDAR CITY, UTAH. jj - : JUNIUS FOSTEK, Cashier. K - - . j; Commercial and Savings Depository. Exchcngc Drawn ' ti on Eastern Banks. Js ts ft j. . FOUR PER CENT ON SAVINCS DEPOSITS. BUSINESS OE SOUTHERN UTAH SOLICITED g Capital 25,000 Banking Hours From 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. j &' x aaw"vi" i vt -rt' V;Vi 'a'a'aWa om -'"v-uvjvjti Va VWUWa 'aWa'aWa NOTICE TO WATER USERS. Stnte Hnclneer's Omce, Salt I.alte City, Utah, June 10, IU0I. Notice Ir hereby cWen that Uriah T, Jones, whose oHtoiriccatlrcR M Cctlar City. Utah, had made application In acciinlance with thu renulrcmciitH o( Chapter 1U0( theSeHHlon I,auH ol Utah, IWJ. to appropriate one (II Hcconil foot of the water flouliiir from Iron -.prini;f, In Iron county, Utah, to bedlverted by niemiH of a dam, pipe ana ditch at a point near where snM -prliitfn Issue, which point beam north 11 decrees de-crees west 1150 leet distant from the quarter kectloll corner dn the boundary line bettoeen sectloti27 and 23, township M south, rail if e 12 west, Salt Lake base aud merldhn, from whe r the water will be conve.ed tlirousli a pipe hiiiI ditch for a distance of .ilmut axX) feet ami there uscil for irrigation. IJy prerloiiM appropriation appro-priation and use the applicant claims to hate acquired a rlcht to the trreater portion of the water flowing from said Iron Springs, and It N now hlspurioHc tculari;e his exlstlnc rlirht bysppropria-.lnit the remainder of the water aiid to hereafter utilize the entire flow by stor-liiir stor-liiir it dnrlnir the period from about Nov 1st to April 1st of each year and suhM-quently te leasing the stored water and applying It diirlnjr the iierlod from about April 1st to Nor, 1st of each year, in connection with the natural flow tn Irrigate about -SO acres ol land sltuatrd In th KWfcj of the KWW of hei'tlon 17. the NH of the NWU. IheSBWof tlicNWU. the WM of the NWK aud theSKKnf tlieNWVl of section 20, towushlp35 south, ratiua 12 nest and In sodolnr tn completely conserve and put to beneficial use the entire annual flow of water from said source. All protests against the crantluir of said application, ap-plication, stating the reasons therefor, must be -made by affidavit nttd filed In this ollico after thirty (30) days and before sixty (60) days from the date hereof. A. P.UOKKMUS. t-tate Engineer. (First June 11 T.ast July ) No. 8533. Noritu: I'd .n..-AiiiN. DlfllTHKNTOr TUB INTBSIOK. T.aud Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, May 2, 19U1. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named following-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will tie made before the Clerk of the District Court in and for Iron County, Utah, at Parnuan, Utah, on June 11, 1004, viz: John Itlllkcr. H'd. 13.553. for the SKSf N1W sec. Si. SWM NWM and V't BWK sec. IS, tp. 37 K.. R. 10W.. S.I.. M. lie names the following witnesses to prove Ills continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Daniel 8. l'eudleton, Kvelyn C. Party, Wm. II, Sawyer sind Henry 11. McCouncll,-ll of Cedar City, Utah, AT.SO. Henry II, McCnnnell, ouo of the heirs of William M. McCounell, deceased, ll'd 12170, for li.eriHN:uamlSM N WM of sec. 4, tp. 34 S., R. 11 W., S. 1 M. Meiiamesiiie lollirrln" witnesses to prie his continuous resident.. ukii and cultivation of said laud. lr Daniel 8. Pendleton, Kvelyn C. l'arry, WIL Ham II. Sawjer, John A. Adams, all of Cedar City, Utah. I'KANK I). IIOIIIlS, KegUtcr. I II. Grav & . C. Dalley, altys. . (First May 7-I.ast June 11.1 Contest Notice. DHPARTMKNT OF Till? INTKRIOK. United States Laud Office, Salt Lake City, Utalll May 10, 1904. A sufficient content affidavit having been tiled In this office by John S Walker, contestant against homestead entry No. H51U, made October Octo-ber 29, 1900. for theSWNKJf and 8W NWM. section 9, township 38 S., range 9 W by Samuel L, Fife, contestee, In which It Is alleged that cntryman has never built a house or established actual residence on said laud, and has wholly abandoned the same. This failure to comply with law la not the result re-sult of employment In the army, navy ur marine corps of tho United States. Bald parties am hereby notified to appear, res. pond and offer evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. July It, IV0I. before Lenora I', Dsllcv. a notary pnblic, at Cedar City, Utah, (and that final hearing will be held at to o'clock a. m., on July 26. 1804, before! the Register and Receiver at the United States Laud office In Bait Lake City. Utah, The said contestant having, In a proper affidavit, affi-davit, filed May 2S. 1901. set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice can not te made. It is hereby ordered or-dered and directed that such notice bo given by due and proper publication In TllK Kkcokii at Cedar City, Utah. FRANK D. 1I01IIH, Register. L. II. Grav, attr, (First June 4 Last July S l .... ,i - I STATE LAND fJOTICb. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE. ' Salt Lake City, Utah, Apr. 23, 1904. To Wham it May Concern: The state of Utah having selected as a part of its grant for the establishment and maintenance mainte-nance of an Institution for the Illlnd under the 12th section of the Act of Congress approved July lfa, 1831, the following described trncts, returned re-turned liv the United States Surveyor Oenoral as mineral land, notice Is hereby given that the said state w 111 submit proof ns to the, character of said laud, before the Register and Receiver st this office, on Monday the 1st day ot Aug,, V 1904.at1tl.a. mvU: j Lots 19, 17 and lH.sec. 13. tpOWS., R. U W., S. J- -,- , ,- L. Mer., embraced in List No. 41 ' i All peruius cMiiiung .my onriinii ol said de crib-.tirsctSHsmiuriHl laiid.ordtsirlug in pr'- t bjrrt lo the selection Iherrol by the t ' 'iy -iini'ii'iurd tn appear on thai iIm mi totimoiiyin suppott of llielr cl-it. II IKS. I'RANK D. IIOIIIlS. Keglater. OHO. A. SMITH, Receiver. (First April 30 Last June 25.) STATE LAND NOTICE. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE. Salt Laku City, Utah, June 13, 1904. To Whom it May Concern: Notice Is hereby given that the State oTUtak ha- lllcd In this office lists of lands selected by tho said Stale under section 12 of the act of Congress approved July 16, 1834. The following follow-ing tractsembraced In said lists are In townships cuntalulg mineral claims of record, viz: N. NEW, sec. 31, Lots 7 ami 23, sec. 19, tp. 39 8.. U. 10 W., SlVJf -.Hi H, sec. I, tp. 3. S R. 11 ? W.j NBK NKW; SWH NfcW.scc 2,tp. 37 S., K. i'-NK;! ".'..I- Mrc- '"' slt-' NBW: NKW SKW H.c 30, S NWJj, and NH SW sec. 2-;, Lot 4. sec. I7.,'1'-3?.'." ? u w-' embraced in List Miners' Ilohpital. ' NWtf NWM. sec, 31. tp. 39 8., R. 10 W NIJW SUUi NWW NUi,; NVi( NWM, sec 28; NE!I NKKandNIWNWM.iir. 27, tp. 38 S R. 10 W.. embraced In List 192, Reservoirs. I.ot2S, sec. 7, tp. 3-S S , R 10 W HWU NE'i: NWM SKM sec. V9i Iit f sec. 17: Lots 7. 8, 16, 17,2n.scc. 18; WJ', MW. NU! NWM, sec. 3 tp.38S.,R II W.J Lots 11, 23. 28. 27. sec. 18, to 39 S., R. 10 W.. SK'i SWW, sec. 18, Ip. 3H S R. 9 V MWW SI'.U. sec. 10, tp. 36 S R. 10 W.. em-braced em-braced In List No. 6, In-jua Asylum, Copies of said II. Is, so far as thev relate to said tracts, by descriptive subdivisions, have been , conspicuously jxihtrd In this ofTlce, for Insiiec- "' lion by any person interested, and by the public pub-lic generally. During the sixty days next following the data of this notice, under department-) instructions of November 27, 1H96, (23 L. II. 459), protests or contiwts against thecialm of the State to any of thu tracts or subdivisions hereinbefore described, de-scribed, on the ground that the same is more valuablnfor mineral than for agricultural pur- , poses, will be received and noted for report to the " (ciicral Land Office, at Washington, D. C. Failure so to protest or contest within the time specllied will be considered iifficicnt evidence of the mm-mineral character of the tracts, and the selection thereof, being otherwise free from ' objection, III lie recommended for approval. Fkank D. llonna, Register. Geo. A Smith, i .,. . . , - . Receiver. 1 (First June 25-Lat August 29) STATE LAND NOTICE. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE Salt Lake City, Utah, Apr. 25, 1904. To Whom it May Concern.' Notice Is hereby given that the State of Utah has tiled In this office list, No. 41, r lauds selected se-lected by the ald state lor the establishment aiidmaliiteitaiicmif an Institution for the llltnd under Section 12, of the Act or Congress approved July 10 1894. The follow Ing tracts, t-uihraced In sixtd list are In a township containing mineral claims ol record, vis: Lot 9, sec 18. and SWtf SEW, sec. 28, tp. 38 S, R. 10 W., 8. L. Mer. ' ' ' A copy ol said list, so far as it relates to said tracts, by descriptive subdivisions, has been t conspicuously posted in this office fo -.--ecllqp , ! by any person luterebted, and hkMMJaMljn !! eriillj. BugH Wllhln tho next sixty daJH of this notice under deJ November IbSOWM contests the iJHH the tracts or subdivlH the tnil 9h1 than "rH)Hl uo'HHHH Office aBHHBH Ico B te conNl(lerrHBHHOHBBI cIiaracjflHHBBBBBOBflH be HHHBKHBH t-ecoiiiHHH |