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Show - SMALLPOX DEVELOPS. n)ss Hyatt of rsSrSi,ui-Vtfn-B-fined CasAf Disease. . Dr. Middloton fa's called Wednesday Wednes-day ovoning to Eo Miss Hyatt of Parowan, who was employed In tho family of It. II. Pnlraor'ot this city, and who was hollo vod to bo oomiug down with smallpox. Tho dootor found tho patient in tho ilrst stages of tho diseaso, which by afternoon on Thursday had dovolopod iuto n woll doflnod caso of smallpox. Tho young lady had a Blstor attending attend-ing tho Branch Normal nt tho timo tho caso dovolopcd, and as sho had boon oxposcd, she was quarantined, togothor with all tho inmntos of tho Palmor rosldenco. Tho victim In nil probability contracted tho diseaso in Mllford, whore sho wont to spond Ihauksglviug. Oharlos Parker, n Normal student from Knnarrn, had boon kcoplng tho company of tho young woman and had boon oxposod. Ho hns been placod undor qunrnntino, ns hns also bis sister Esthor nnd Miss Glnrn Ilnight of Codar. As tho caso was dlscovorod iu Its enrly stages, and prompt quarantine regulations onforcod, tho physician Btatos that ho epurchonds but llttlo danger of tho diEcuoo spreading. . .. |