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Show BANK REFORT Miulo to tho .Secretary of Stato of tho State of I'tah of tho condition of the Bank of Southorn Utah, located at Cedar City, In tho County of Iron, Stato of Utah, at tho close of business on tho 10th day ot Nov, 10JI. RESOUKCKS. LoaiiAaml Discounts $30,31131 0 entrails 1M W Iloudri, Stock. Certificates, etc, 1"3 10 1'uriiltiiieniul r'lxturcs 1.8S7 51 Due rrom National Hanks V.-I69 34 CaKhoit llamt 1.WM 8 Curicu. Expenses ami Taxes 1,414 21 Total 75,531 63 MAIIII.ITIKS. I Capital Stock paid til $:0,8CG J5 , Undlvldett 1'rolltH 1.133 86 IttdUldualdeiHiMtH 32,450 31 S.ivIiil'M Den. lcit,V 5 percent. U,h5 01 Cahltler'H ClieckH U76 IS Note and IJItU Kedlscountcd lO.MOXO Total 75,501 CS 'State of Utah, Count v of Iron: S.J. Footer tMilnir tirnt duty sworn ac-cordtnir ac-cordtnir to latv dcioei and iay that lie In cattlilor of tho abovu named bank; that the above and forgoing report contaln-t a full, true and correct Htatcuient of the condition of the nald tiankat tlieclose of butliiei, on the lUth day of Nov, 1001 S. J. FOSTER, Cashier. Subscribed and mvoni to before me tins 2Ut day of Nov., 1W4. MVKON I) UKJIIUI5. Notary-l'uhllc. Sta'eof Utah. Ofllci-of tho Secretary of Stato I JamcH T. llaninioiid. Sc-creLiry of State of th Statu of Utah, doll ereliy cvrllfy lluit ttia foreolui; Na full, true and correct copy of the statement of tliu above named company, now on flic In my ofllco UiIhIJUi davof Nov,, 10)1. J.T. HAMMOND. Secretary of State. |