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Show Urlp Quickly Knocked Out. "Somowooks ago during tho sovoro wlutor weather both my wlfo nnd myself contracted sovoro colds which spoodily dovolopod into tho worst kind of la grippo with all its misorablo symptoms, " says Mr. J. S. Egloston of Maple Landing, Iowa. "Knoos and joints aching, musolos soroj head stopped up, oyos nnd uoso running, with nltornnto spells of chills ami fovor, Wo began usiug Ohamborlain's Cough- Romody, aid ing tho snmo witli n doso of Ohmnbor laiu'B Stomach and Llvor Tablets, and by Its llboral uso soon complotly Kuocicoa out tno grip. J.Iicko inijlots promoto a hoalthy notion of tho bow-ols, bow-ols, livor and kidnoyswhloh is always bonofioial whon tho system is congested con-gested by u cold or attack of tho grip. For salo by all Dealors I |