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Show DELINQUENT WATER TAX NOTICE Of St. dcorge City, Utah, for the Y'car 190.1. Notico Is horoby glvon thnt unloss tho following delinquent wator taxos aro paid, together with tho costs of advertising, boforo tho third Monday of December, 1901, tho City wntcr shares and tho capital stock in tho St. Goorgo Cottonwood Canal Co., on which tho tnxos nro dolinquout, will bo sold for taxos and oosts, beginning be-ginning on tho third Monday in Do-combor, Do-combor, 1904, botwoon tho hours of 10 a. 111. nnd 3 p. in., lit tho front door of tho County Court llouso, in tho City of St. Goorgo, Utah, and continuing from dny to day at tho sumo tlmo and place until tho list is exhausted, or tho taxos and costs nro paid: OTY WATER. Nnmo. No. Sharos. Tax. Nelson Sollna 1 82 00 McDonald A. P. Jr 1 2 00 Prlco Don C M 1 00 Pondlotou B. P., 1 2 00 IPondloton B. P. Ilolrs. . . 1 2 00 Mlcuols John R $ 1 00 TUiclruamGidooii .,....,.. ;,r - 2 0ft. Gray' TlmmaTL. ; ;. '. 1 2 00 Dodge W. E. Jr. 1 2 00 BIgler II. W. Est 1 2 00 Poarco John II. 1 1 GO Sturzoneggor John ... v ... 1 200 Sturzouogger Aunio 4 1 00 Cunningham Sam'l Est. . .4 8 00 MoNoil David 1 2 00 Dodgo Frank B 0 12 00 COTTONWOOD WATER. Mllno Atholo lj 3 00 Cunningham Josoph....H 50 MoNoil David X 00 Ohidestor David M 50 Nolson Wm. or J. II. Riding .305 73 McQunrrio Olido 4 1 00 Postor Oharlos P. 1 . . 3 00 NEPIII1 M. SAVAGE, City Troasuror. Dated at St. Goorgo, Utah, Nov. 30, 1901. |