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Show IB Hiast week a story was going tho IB rounds in thoiB city to tho offoot that BB tho water in tho water system was BB'J unfit to drink or use for culinary BB purjioseH, owing to tho filthy condl- tiou f tho TOHorvolr, which It was alleged al-leged iwas.covorod with .a, green scum, that liad grown on 'tlioHurfaco of tlio wiitor, through lt liavlng stood so long. Upon .hoaiiing .this report a representative of this pnpor, took tbo troublo to r.idonpto tboneaorvolr to aHoortainhowniuoh'truth thoro was In tho Htatomont, and was mirprisod to :ilnd .that lit was uiiduuliedly false, thoro inot lioing tbo Bllghtost founda-itlon founda-itlon iin tfaot for tho fabrication. Tlio Hm'faoo of lbo wator was nf freo from Konm or stagnant .growth us it was poffs'iblo for it to lio. .Later a report was started to tbooHect that tho ro-sorvoircontaiiiodabouta ro-sorvoircontaiiiodabouta foot of sodi-mout, sodi-mout, which was dopositod thoi-oin by tlio late Hoods, nnd thilt in conso-queucotho conso-queucotho water In itho. pipes Ih much moro likely to'Coiitnlirtyphold,gonnB tthan 'Unit in tho d itches, whoro this doporilt lias liad an opportunity of Iw-lig Iw-lig 'WiiHhod out. Enquiry of tlfo city wntormastoT dovolopod tho fact that tho rosorvoir has boon washed-out moro thaii'ouco hIiico thoilloodscoaacd, and ithat thoro is noto muoh asumiiucb of Bcdimont iiidt. vlt .15001113 that Homo pooplo would .go a long way anuiid tho truth to injuro tlio wntor system or causo It to become unpopular, unpop-ular, but tbo fact of tbo matter is that it is becoming moro jiopulnr ovory day, and pooplo aro having tho-sor-vloo ii pes put in as fast as tboy can raise tbo cash to pay for thorn. |