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Show WAR AGAINST CODLING MOTH Letter to Orcliardists from the State Board of Horticulture. BANDING SYSTEM IS RECOMMENDED. Simple flcthods Suggested for Destruction Des-truction of Larvae Too Early to Leave oil Spraying. Salt Luko Oity, Soptombor, 1 004. Iu ordor to keep tho npplo crop froo from tho depredations of tho codling moth larva, it is necessary to hnvo tho fruit continually covered with n film of tho poison spray, Paris groou or Bomoiothor arson leal poison. As tho lutor broods of moth uro still at work, it is too curly yot to leuvo off spruy-lug spruy-lug tho la to apples. Tho later hatchings hatch-ings of worms outer through tho sldos of tho well grown fruit, especially at tho purts whoro tho fruits touch each-other, each-other, und thorough work through spraying must bo done to keop tho onomy iu chock. Only by kooplng ovolastlngly at It can tho orchaidist of Utah hopo to keep ahoad In tho warfare against tho codling moth. In addition to thorough thor-ough spraying with tho Paris green solution throughout tho growing season, sea-son, tho Stato Board of Ilorticultoro rccommonds tho uso of tho "bandinc system" as a supplemental means of protecting tho orchard against tho ruvogos of this pest. In this practico advntago is tukon of tho habit of tho larvuo seeking sholtorod places iu which to pupate. It has been demonstrated demon-strated that enough fruit can bo saved iu this way to pay good wages for tho tlmo spont iu systematically following up this system, iu addition to spraying. Tho rtimplont vy ihioUiico u Atrip of gunnysack or burlap twolvo or llftoon inches wide, fold twice or throo tlmori and fasten around tho trunk of tho troo a foot or so abovo tho ground. It should roaoh around tho trunk and is conveniently fastened fast-ened with u nail or a tack. If tho trunk of tho troo is clean and froo from looso bark, most of tho larvuo which oscapo tho spraying will spin thoir cocoons and pupato beneath tho burlap baud, and may thoro easily bo killed. Tho bauds should bo ro- moved onco a weok or ovory nino days and dlppod into a kottlo of boiling wator or somo othor moans used to dostroy tho chrysalis. I3y thus destroying tho larvae this fall tho crop of next year's moths will bo diminished and tho crop of worms will bo vory greatly reduced. Iu tho most careful spraying it is a physical Impossibility to hit ovory worm, houco it is vory ossontial that all orohurdists put in practice tho bunding system to keep tho applo worm iu check. It is tho worms that oscupo tho ourly spraying that work on tho luto apples and thoso thut oscupo in tho full pupato through tho winter to omorgo noxt spring and hutch moro eggs. With coutiuuod spraying und bunding till tho middlo of Soptombor or luter, tho worms will , bo hold in chock and sound fruit producod. A prominont orchardist of Salt Lako county is authority for tho statement that if tho soil undor tho t applo trees is kopt moist iu tho fall tho larvuo will not puputo thoro, but will sook tho sholtor of tho bunds, ( whoro thoy can uftorwurds bo do- . stroyed. JOSEPH II. PARRY, Soc'y Stato Board of Horticulture. |