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Show H Wo are in receipt of tlio following H communication from a Salt Lako H Hurvoyor, wliich may bo of intorcHt H to our readorH if any of thorn nro H making ImprovomentB on unmirvoycd H govorumeut landH. H "Tho Surveyor General has an np- H propriatiou of $1(5,000 for tho uurvoy V of public lauds in tills fetato and will H bo glad to havo lauds uurvoyed, H provided ho can get applications H from at leaat, tbroo actual Bottlers on H each township. And if tho monoy H i. not UBcd by tho first of July, M 1005, it will go back into tlio trea- H tiiiry ot tho United States, and con H groHrt will bo slow In making future B npproiirintlous for Utah for mich H pur)oneH. " K' Tho writer has forwarded us a fow B blank forms for tho use of Bottlers on H , uuBiirveyed lands, for tho making of M applications to havo tho laud upon H f.lilcb tlui' hnvo Bottled surveyed, B Ybicli can bo bad and tilled out at ! this iililce. Now ifl tho time to tnko PB ntojw In )mvo your laud brought into HJj market, and Boouro titlo to it. |