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Show Resolution of HiDoard of Health. Resolved, thot in tIow of tho wldo-sprond wldo-sprond rumors concerning tho sanitary conditions of Codar Oity, wo tho un-dorslgucd, un-dorslgucd, doom it advisable to make tho' following statement Wo huvo duly investigated thlo matter and find thut thoro luivo been roportod up to dato for tho season, only(fourtoon cases of typhoid fovor, sovon of which liavo rocovorod, six oro still ill, and one died! Tho ono death is tho only doath from any iu- j footions disonso during tho presout year. No now cum's of typhoid huvo ! boon roportod for eovornl dayB, and from our uxpoilcmnof previous yours, .jjnce. tlwWloodi'fff'rtd r-tnvr,, it soems ronsonnblyviortaln that thoro will bo no mora cases this season. In viow of thofro facts, wo think tho fear that pooplo havo had of coming to Cedar uro without foundation, us our death record will show Codar City to bo ono of tho most healthful local itios iu tho Stato of Utah. Signed: JOHN PARRY, Mom her of Board of Honlth. J. II. M'DONALD, Honlth Ofllcor. Dutcd ut Codar City, Utah, Septembers Sep-tembers ,1 001. |