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Show Sweet butter can't be made in a sour churn. The stomach is a churn. A foul stomach fouls the food put into it. When the food is fouled the blood made from it is fouled also. Foul blood means disease. dis-ease. Cleanse the churn and you have sweet butter. Cleanse the stomach and you have pure blood. The far reaching action of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is due to its effect on the stomach and organs of digestion and nutrfcion. Diseases that begin in the stomach are cured through the stomach. "Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery has proved a great blessing to me," writes" Mrs. Ellen E. Bacon, of Shutesbury, Franklin Co., Mass. " Prior to September, 1897, I had doctored for my stomach trouble for several years, going through a course of treatment without any real benefit. In September, 1896, I had very sick spells and grew worse ; could eat but little. I commenced to take Dr. Pierce's medicine and in a short time I could eat and work. I have gained twenty pounds in two months." Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send 21 one -cent stamps for paper -bound volume, or 31 cents for cloth binding, to Dr. R. V. Pierce, 663 Main Street, Buffalo, Buf-falo, N. Y. 1 ?: GOOd "' 'Meals must be satisfactory, or traveling is tmehjbyable. j . jj The Santa Fe Route prides itself on its system of Har- h M .ACcllS ve? d'n'nS rooms and lunch counters. There are none jj I M j jr ' better. Breakfast, dinner and supper are served at ) convenient intervals. Ample time given for all meals', u jj MfllirC C. F. WARREN, General Agent Santa Fe Route, u jj . 411 Dooly Block. . Salt Lake City, Utah. ; B. S. HARRINGTON. J. N. COURTNEY, Notary, Public. Harrington & Courtney, , REAL ESTATE r AND MINES. Lands in All Parts of the State. " 60 W. Secorul South Street, Salt Lake City, ,1'tah. WALL PAI'EI:, PAINTS, riCTCRES. OILS. AND BRUSHES, FRAMES. ALEX. BEVERIDGE, SIGN WRITER. No. 6 East Third South. Salt Lake City. Office, 221 South State St. Teleption !-. The Langton Limc& Cement Co LIME, rORTIAND CEMENT. RED MINKRAL PAINT. PLASTKR AND HAIR, SILICA SAND. FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY. SALT LAGE CITY - UTAH HRS. M. L. GIBSON, Hairdressin?, Manicuring and Facial Massage Parlors. A complete line of Standard Toilet and Hair Goods. Preparations Carried in Stock. 215 State Street, Salt Lake City. NOT the CiiKAr'iSdT, but the BEST. ill V AH II J ffci."ii& AppvraiJ j. i0 WfccJi DecfciiU &0U111 01., ball JLaae City, Utah. PARAGON SHOE SHOP. Firai-eiass bnoe Kcpnuiiig, Done While You Wait. Shoes Made to Order. DAIVID M'KENDRICK, Prop., Basement of 57 Main Street. AFTER-DINNER DELICACIES give the meal a fine finish. There is nothing daintier for dessert than farina, rice pudding, jellies, and ' fancy crackers. Everything- in this line will be found in our stock, which presents an exhaustive definition defini-tion of "groceries." The whole world is taxed in making up this supert assortment of food specialties. You must see to appreciate. HENDERSON'S Cash Grocery, 267-271 Main Street. f E. E. BTJRLINGAME & CO., Assay Office and Chemical Laboratory Established In Colorado. 1S66. Samples by mail or express will receive prompt and careful attention. ,,,,4 GOLD HUD SILVER BULLION d.A'r3. chased. COHCENTRHTiON TESTS s.-meorc?errmf 1735-1738 Lawrence St.. Denver, Colo. saoud Jo; aiu.w Jo r,z jsjij ")3aA 6i;t IB suiooy; s.-l'S Puc U;0 joAV itriuaiiinuoitf au'd ut Jdjna 3uiP3T 811X 3IZM3PW H . j ? WAPS' STORE. . ANNUAL WHITE SALE ! Entire Stocks of Muslin Underwear and Infants Wear 25 Per Cent Off. J A month or more ago we began preparation for this great selling. I Lines were to be filled in, size lists completed, styles of the very newest to bring along for ycu. All in readiness now, and just the freshest, crisp-est crisp-est garments you could want. MONDAY, JUNE 4TH, TO SATURDAY. UNDERHUSLINS. 25 PCf Corset Covers, 15c each up to $4.50. J Drawers, 25c up to $5.00. I Chemises, 25c up to $5.75. , . fPfif" ifiB Petticoats, 40c up to?15.00. X-dHL J IJight Gowns, 50c up to $15.00. ' INFANTS' WEAR. f TheSB ! Short Dresses, 50c to $13.75. 1 j Short Petticoats, 453 to $5.00. I m . J Long Dresses, 25c to $15.00. Pi flfO Long Petticoats, 45c to $5.00. B 1 t -iJlk . A WEDDING GIFT ' .' -. . iXtW fc$-ixA universally acceptable would be one of i VA P2?1-!-- .fir'AW ' - our superb pianos. Uncle Sam never ' I 1 v W heard more Pleasing notes than those y0"t't'fiji produced by our instruments. They JP'vyyv I' ' mark the perfection of mechanical con- i kJtJh 1 1 struction, and are good for a lifetime Ill YLWP-M&bff I of service. Deal with us to secure i fiP f 'IS i 1$ W-'f !vr something fine at a fine price for the V- wll' ST iltw Jf!C buyer. Your eyes and your ears will be CpPYBioijii;'-- ours on sight. FERGUS 'COALTER MUSIC CO., ! Two doors south of Z. C M. L, SALT LAKE CITY. t JRE SHIRTS j (ftT New shirts keep a coming. j f But nonz too fast. J j t JV Fdr shirts keep a going out of here wjijjlv at a rapid gait. . . f ', I ft'I ' - Some of the new ones to arrive X III! lx Yares silk- front .style; some with t ( I i If jl J colored body to match front, some . X W OS? Prices, 50c 75c, $1.00, $1.25. J V". Plenty of the stiff bosom- kinds, too, cuffs to match. These are all over fancy, 75c to X I $2.00. V " ; Shirts for boys, soft kind, cuffs to match, 50c, 75c, f $1.00. X t Price J. P, : GARDENER. MafnStreet t I ! |