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Show . Wake Up ! Yon arc nn cr.?rg?tie man an ambitious one. But it i"? hard to gel up in the morning:. You feci t'aat you . could take ju t one more nap, and one j l(,S-i P , f more and r.t ill more. I iltj ' jij Your head i. heavy. 0TX f You hat;.- to get up. 1' r 'i i -Your mouth tastes h ' '' J : (fe7pf brtil. Yr-ttr I & ' .'caklast ;( I f. a im . decs r.ct suit, and . j 'a- you aro irritable, i: When yon go to : work you don't feci like it. You fiVhl the : feeling all day. and r counic t h'M'.r:; before , , closing time you turn i:t r.nd work li::e a j good fellow. When it's time Is -. ten. you : are just wirtned up for a six day's go-ns- ! ; . ' you-plense. F.ut it is too late, r.nd the j next morning it is the same ih::ii- over j agnin. That isn't laziness it's siokn.: "real. I serious sickness. And later it will develop I into something worse liver trouble, on- I sumption, blood disease, or i:: rvous r-ros- ! , j tritiori. Ther.- is a rcmed-- la.-.t will put I j you on your feet Dr. Pierce's Ctoh'.en 4 1 Medical Discovery. It will vvak up yor.r stomach, give you an ap-vtite. and j t:t vim in 3-our blood. It will make ; new man of roil. It contains 110 alcohol raid will not J create appetite for stimulants. ! Mr. Charles Hunwick. of I,e:!ox. Macomb Co., 1 Mich., writes : "I have never fwt l etter in ray !it tlina I do nosv. I hr.ve taken Dr. Pierce's Golden .Medical Discovery ri',v.t alonrr. I can '. now walk quite well with a cane nivl hope to ! throw even that awp.v b: a'ore an.i as I have f had to use crutches fir nearly tr.-. vcar-. I think , I I am doinir fine. I do not c'Migh now and can s!e-p like a schoolboy. I have beer, treated - i in two hor.pitals anil by three doctor besides, ; f and received t:o benefit; r' I tbiuk yoe.r r.-.edi- ' j ciae is the only medic:ue ior me." Do not let any one induce you to take a j " t substitute in place of "Golden Medical I f Discovery." Ihiy of reliable clea'en. With tricky ones, something else til l, pays them better will probably be offered a "just as good.'' Perhaps it is for them; j but it can't be ior you. ? t HAIR SWITCH FREE I - j ON EASY CONDITIONS. 'i . ' Cat this ad. out sn-1 mail to tii m! a etna' 1 sum pie n yonrhair.eiitciosetotno 'j roots. SK.1D SO BUNk.X we will make nt I I san.lyou hTirail. l.tiniiU HNS HUVAH t K4IS SWITCH, "''' i"'io as ; t inches iong front el!ctcu human h-iir, s r 2!oum-es, short ein. Wo will in.'irse 5 V . I in package with swit -n KTitH'-ientixwtje j (rV' J ton-turn ittouslf nutIPrfrljr sutl-fnrlnrT. f . ' 7 but It found exactly as rvpre-enti'd ai-.l J j t W most extraordinary hse and yiflW IY'.'j ld.Tr :.KK OttltKHS K 3 sIT:iifcS f . i f v y AT 61. SO F.il'!l your frn'ixU ar1 - -. ,v send to os wllhnnt n7 monjr, we to Joid i ! yvj ft te 3 switches t them diiei-6 fcr nail. : l'1 ' . to be paid for 10 days after it . 1 ill ' J-'A perfectly satisfactory .ar.tourikM '.' -S ' 6- ' ! itli welTiiufree rr jou-Crnlilf. V , 'I? gie P1j!m,j, Oiio. Sewing JlirhiKM, I i ?-VIZ Pishe rnmlinre, w.ifcbn, i jg : r Csnrra aoii othr prrtaiumj Tar l.itl-n: fk order for Onr Snitchr. One ld "r.J . Us T7 s ina lnnfti" Jars nnen .vwrot: S.i. Ii'm-; lniiB. Or.lr Svit.-li Bt, i.w.-r or ? write t4ay tto PRJSJfiU'M " m, I Ladies' Kair Emporium, Chicago.. ,-t. |