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Show MASS OlfSllI LINER. Obstacles In the Way of Divine Sr- vica On Board Chip. The obstacles to be met with by priests who endeavor to celebrate Mass : on the big ocean liners during the journey across the Atlantic have been' the subject of discussion in the Dublin , Freeman's Journal. From some quarters came the charge that the - ' steamship companies were responsible. In this connection the following statement state-ment from Mgr. Nugent of London, Ls ' interesting: "For the last twenty years I have , crossed the Atlantic, both 'ays. not ; once, but ten or a dozen times, on near- ; ly all the ships of the White Star line. ; I have never celebrated Mass crossing the Atlantic, for it was not prudent to j. do so; but I have frequently given the j; .Rosary and a short practical address to ; tlv steerage passengers when d .flt equal to it. and the weather permittM r them to listen to me. I have done ;his I on the Celtic, Germanic and Teutonic; yes, I have celebrated Mass on the Teutonic whilst she anchored off Spit-head Spit-head at the Queen's Jubilee. In all cases I first asked permission from the commander, and was never refused, but ' every convenience and facility were readily accorded. "The writer of the letter must bear in mind that to celebrate Mass at sea. the priest must have special permission L from ecclesiastical authority: he must t-have t-have a clerical attendant: and, further, ;: he must have the necessary applianc 's a portable altar, vestments, etc. All these are absolutely necessary, as well as favorable weather. My experience of the Atlantic has been such that in twenty years there were only two isun- ; j I days that I could have safely cle'orated ; ( Mass. A service consisting of IOnglish : prayer, hymns anil a sermon does not j depend so much upon the weather. I ; know by long experience and personal , ! contact, the 'broad and liberal spirit i the owners of the White Star line in j its every department, and that in tru-ir j code of regulations they would not ! offer any slight or insult to Catholics. or would they tolerate such on the part i of any officer in the service. Further, I ? j I am bound to say, from my own know!- . edge that they have given instructions j regarding the celebration of Mass shall 3 ; be acceded 10, where it is possible to 1 do so. My experience and knowledge ft of the actual state of this matter in- , duces me thus to write, and further, j f I am convinced that the facilities that j have been always given to me. will, if applied for. be readily granted." j |