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Show Mantle's Sweetheart. (Boston Herald.) Ex-Senator Mantle of Montana, recently re-cently retired by an unappreciative constituency, is a bachelor, and has long been regarded by the managing J mammas in Washington as a very desirable "catch,", for, besides wearing the toga, he has some mining property that yields him a pretty income. Society So-ciety was somewhat electrified, therefore, there-fore, says a Washington correspondent in the New- York Tribune, when he announced an-nounced at a dinner given in his honor shortly before he left town that he was delighted at going, because he wanted to see his sweetheart, from whom he had been separated for a long time. , "Your sweetheart!" exclaimed those ! near him. "Have you had a sweetheart sweet-heart all this time? Do tell us about her." j "Yes, I have a sweetheart." answered the senator frankly, "and I haven't seen her since I left Butte In the fall. Dear i woman, she's all I've got and I'm all she's got." "What's her name?" "Is she pretty?" "How old is she?" were some of the questions the blushing senator was pressed to answer, but he held his peace until a pretty thing, of whom the senator had been suspected of being be-ing rather fond, said: "Now, senator, please do tell us about her, for we can't congratulate you until we know something of your financee." "She's not pretty, she's beautiful," responded l"he senator, finally, his face growing tender, "and she'3 not very young somewhere between TO and 80, and her name her name is the same as mine Mantle. My sweetheart is my mother." |