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Show NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT pursuant to the provisions of a chattel mortgage, executed bv Leola C. Pardee Alpheus Pardee and Augusta Pardee as mortgagors to Equitable Loan & Investment Invest-ment company, a corporation of Wyoming as mortgagee, dated Sept. 6. 1304, aiid filed for record in the office of the recorder of halt Lake county. Utah, given as security se-curity for the promissory note of said mortgagors upon which there is now due the sum of $62.50 and $15 attorneys' fee which said mortgage covers the following personal property ...then and now situate in Salt Lake City, Utah, viz: One oak music cabinet, one upholstered couch and cover one 7-foot mirror with gilt frame, one leather upholstered arm chair, one mahogany ma-hogany arm rocking chair, one bird's eve maple china cabinet, one bird's eve maple ma-ple dressing table with mirror, one" mapl" dresser with mirror, one walnut dresser, one maple writing table, r.ne upholstered , mahogany divan, one MUler six-hole stee range complete. No. 51S M. The undersigned under-signed will on Wednesday. June 14. llRir, the n Ci? Ik rHt he "torasc house of No -afl ,9- Transfer & Storage company. No. est Second South street ?uir Lake City, Utah, offer for sale and w at public auction for cash the said ner-!"ialKPr0pewrty. ner-!"ialKPr0pewrty. covered bv s;id mortgage and hereinbzefore described, or so much thereof as may be necessary to paythe ;TUn. f the indebtedness secured by the said mortgage and now due and owing ow-ing as aforesaid, together with the costs and expenses of such sale Equitable Uan & Investment Company By Angus McKellar jr., Maiiaeer MeGurrin & Gustln. Attorneys for Mort- |