Show tOm 1101 I LUCKY GIRL t TO BE DEVELOPED Salt Lakers Lakers Interested Raise Money for Machinery Plant PROVEN ON BOTH SIDES Foot Fifty Foot Shaft Shaf Shows Resources Resources Resources Re Re- sources Like Those of Rich N Neighbors I IThe The he Luck Lucky Girl Mining op operating op- op crating at t Lodl Lodi Nov e of which State Treasurer James Christanson is president president dent with wIh Judge c King and other promInent prom prom- meat Salt Sul Lakers amon among the other large Jarge owners o has concluded arrangements arrangements arrange arrange- aranc ments menta to equip its property with machinery machinery ma ma- chinery an and proceed with development wih lc on n an extensive scale Tho The contract for sinking sink a 0 foot CO-foot shaft has just been completed and nl the showing is so good that that n no difficulty was encountered in financing time tho tho prop prop- for tor heavy orl work The rhe Is a adjoined on one end b by tho limo Illinois I mine amine an and on Cli the other end l by the tho estate ot of the tho Lodl LodI Gol Gold ah and Copper company compan I or of f which Stun Sam Sm A. A King of this city Isono is isone ono one ne of ot the leading spirits spiris The several sC large lare arge veins In which oro ore bodies boies carryIng carrying carry- carry Ing ng values of or 00 a 3 ton and better have been een opened in the adjoining properties properties prop prop- ertes course through Luck Lucky Girl GUI ground and the foot 50 shaft discloses the same conditions that were encountered at t like Ikc depth in the other prop prop- ertes The shaft shaf for that distance is in oxidized ore which carries lea lead carbonates car car- and amid aul good gOOI values in silver an and Gol gold The vein eln is 15 feet wide at the time surface The Time property was reported upon recently b by Engineer Arthur U. U Snow who unqualifiedly advised the time owners that it should develop de Into a valuable le alua mine mimic Large c Producer The I Illinois adjoining on the south Is it tL producing producinG mine which has been de developed de- de le- le eloped to the time depth of ot 00 feet feet It I Is shipping a great deal of hl high grade Sl h-Sl lc ore and has a world of 40 o to 60 60 rock which Is awaiting milling or better Leter t m facilities for tor tr treatment A group of Denver Den capitalists visited Lodi Lodl Group Isle Loli within the week wed to further plans al already already al- al ready renly laid lala for building a smelter there a goo good water supply being close at hand hanl The tact fact that Lodl Lodi is only 2 29 miles east cast of ot the now new Rawhide e district and 25 miles muon mies east est of ot Fairview while the development of ot Immense bodies of or ore in lit time the immediate vicinity has be beCome become become be- be come a certainty makes It J an on advantageous point for a smelter An alan ample water vater supply is 18 close at hand The superintendent of tho the Illinois I sai s th t r rM will 11 er ern cn n Lo bo be known Wll as s' s one n of of f Nevada's Nevadas bonanza n z mines mimics miles an and this confirms the b belief Jef of I the Salt Si Lakers interested in the camp that they have the time making of very cry valuable properties |