Show W WAITER AlTER ARRESTED I FOR CUTTING AN ANI I I Harry Halry Used Knife or on Former Employer in Restaurant Republican Special peC Service ic Ogden Jan Jau 29 Harry huLo a waiter walter Is now locked up In the time cIt elt city jail a awaiting r. trial on a charge of ot assault as as- sault with a n deathly deadly weapon Shube ha had Leon boon employed as a awalter waiter walter by Mrs 18 Yester Yesterday morning sho she WAS compelled to dl dis discharge dimi- dimi charge him whereupon ho threatened vengeance Ho lie returned at about 3 2 o'clock this afternoon armed with a 0 knife which ho lie whipped out suddenly an and slashed Mrs Pantone twice across tho UtO arm He lIo was prevented from further further fur fur- ther timer attack by bystanders and was held heM until the time arrival of ot the police who locked him hum In the time city elty jail jall County Attorney Hairls states that he ho will file me charges charSes of assault with th a dead deadly weapon and amid prosecute |