OCR Text |
Show ; THE Simple Golds Often ) . | predictions caxe while here Robert ~- Te wae Develo AFTER ' bli Preumonia ind L an Holders . nJar2 the system oiders Are| Ar Washington ine Working For Municipal mprovement ocn Pine jeves eves verest { . 7 ee 2G * 7 White! - speedily itis ». | Expectorant-speedily yugchs ¢ arrests e coughs and arr ae cold ne se-| , Will If will t r he [ ho no REPUBLICAN, such will di ae ae oe voters of sentimer Pacific Set ae BY ius RALPH M.. WHITESIDES 29 -Tho Washington may ang fr Be thelr hopes o oftheirsuccess be silced st {| elon but "to high The eeoute itol to at think the present that the Cx°C | tim DRUG 1 t| The governmen perfect the Mall from the the Washington mnonument. Pure cap This | Dispensary . 112-114 our the . South ever ae Main ruled." onugressman Street $ } RNITURE FU eee id Hall Racks Sold and C add and to so our| great! ornia lopt or ee D. spoke on and Rev. anyany Preside ue monarch ff ut han $50,000,000 This seems a whole one inelon, but lot wean ane, sonal ex Hard of re Lage » erence, ‘ ic McKinlay of farrisbure j who art all-] now nc Ake ; the "Ohic on the Pacifle} Paul of this eulogySutphen to McKinley. o> we = the Nebraska inesuat just that well more figures now the trictAdaattorney a ndos interesting big in Presi-| ajctrict °o.-It was on a an trial yu ing for conspiracy ea = os es ran¢ s to sen fs e Oo it) kt n C oapstol, and there are] See satisfied that ahead' yije not tr the and no little signifil-| has at last a bill to conside cance is attached to his earnestness 1 Every once in while Se nator Till urging on senator nd representa-/man roared about his committee haytives from the Pacitic coast the neces-|ing nothing to do. He has made noisy sity of Keep! constantly after the ap-|endeavor to get busy for many years, | Ouse committe rye but : when Five ee matt re camel idea nn the matter of course, he says ere ments nip w and on ne ue the a5 8 Wf ane fs not "doubtec nothing. there. can fact be that ut} heard a com- Pacific coast} aero White House something about coast] hearing defen h eros {dent has advised a number of times that important matters be not overlooked while minor ee Srp. talkin wants the of up rm western money so improved, is umes that in some ke Eood prary defenses oe s str ly _ can € senator of his this, nor puzzled, " ah sked. ae pe an corps, ‘could no e was he enlightene he mentioned the were:‘you: in affairs senate the committee finaily gave and, t shook | . he was] cal that the Bere to] his life ..3)» at At blind the he jini irs in a tee know years, ticipation is aE. Ne le bi fore, connectic m beginning ock with of : up the DIL Shee ane i Sats : n in Nearly for the : not quite clear, KYRLE to a bill » indictment In. the The cor imonwealth of Hum- Architect poenaed tion and Evelyn Thaw'he : AND M is RS. Huston, who as a witness defense, was has by been sub- both prosecu not In court to is not expected bo appear called upon Sener to - testify His until at- GOULD possible officeholder mo Php future than is to omper's rega rdless outcol of ng, the position. naturalist, eae Blackburn Senator eety with °o is in the! having some ame honored rake ether the constitution. fol-} lows the flag. <A Jamaican killed a man in the Paname canal zone has been condemned to death without a jury Blackburn is head of the] civil government of the zone and, when he h ne me fided that an appeal Su-| serving see government was or- in the Missouri he senator is assured by the i 1ey are kinsmen asked that he use his influence al conhe to se- of cousin of mine. -he way-and fellow out of I wrote used to I told jail. hanged any Senator court ruled Plackbu urn is not that he sure be} that] the same action will be taken {in this] case. ‘ihe situation in the canal zone dict that senator Thomas from enviable chance Oklahoma, utation, will be rotten ‘Into bis who the THAN ¥% OFF SUITS, COATS, EVENING WRAPS SILK DRESSES, FANCY GOWNS. WAISTS and SKIRTS. LESS THAN % PRICE HANDSOME PATTERN HATS-SPECIAL $1.98, $2.98 and $5.00 Buys Original $10.00 to $30 Hats. ALL MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK. winter Dis- Omaha, Durand. in Omaha down yesterday the Fourth Dis- The Neb., cle opinion|for nel ant ees: ea eel is 29.-Ilt for the quietlySs was. first of learne time carrying ' mobilization Ee 4 ~)it of was it has learned in The Women Omaha > Depositors the} no } | been ; mas Ul Bank ; Lhe } | until} the to an go behind 1g trar-| y In jur- that reve X. was t cone apr by - Says os °o Pt vie Dppractically at Admiral Robinson value of legal services were given), me ie e r% cordla W counts cheel . Sil vy thé Fifth i g will PO o in " of et Wor ‘ Lt tor tbe \ $2 Surplus, Deene ts, $¢ 100.4 ‘ $50,000. 19.0 ) , eif a many |. oS Fort the time is due t the a reat } PRAYER STARTLES HOUSE Jan. 29. 29.-Chaplain | Cou | ou Sone has memory. occasion. 2 under his opening ere ay as | stirred b fore within |§ he oltle mer on {> representa- <As was the. "Did Lid 01 of 7c 1 , d rat so SO. MAIN aura wis mS i sil 85. -< arr best lLling 12 YEARS Gl ARANTEE Patole sae xtraction or Deo pay. Open 1 Pp. n. J _ 92to - = 5 ; ; és 12. 21S SOUTH MAIN. ie S Honest Work, Honest Prices aemen, Tie that wl In ‘ 1 if red CLOWN, ' rs k. UNION DENTAL CO. } Bro aa-miin dae is pric as be Ge $7 °$6 $5 n"j¢ ag snouts you « r $5 Wo. ste; = rs ti eee has done for5] ;manly come oni ees! Ef wh abandon| while r be o { ness, 1 ar-} tines d similar asi the + ‘ Caj ffort to show that the| all other undes heard esail aathateae Jones had the sent from. Presidio. the Washington Squubble,. cre Pro -s 33 business troops will arrive at the} gov rnment reservations ee Y, Cease } > f Se attle, be t Evans ; 7 Was It 1 will "The arm > Pacific coast EXORDITANY. Smith for written at fort Scadieccth ‘ 2 banking i ai illery; "District court justice court judgment. cy realize id Cov al cted, | 4 sels ecmpanies Pourth the © their and the abstract | Wyontns to Seattle and the ears it San Franciscoreceived about April accord- | finds that the Dis ing to advices by thé.1, rAllroad no right abstract, » that} on that that s | * a} on aaa plans= | troops become s not give Isdiction the een ' Jan. today Sam . the Mocketing of. the: Bbptract at prove dia the of good Puinless B Siac Heave iced. : 3 Extruction of Teeth, or no Panik im tinal op cabana Phones. Beil 1120-x: Ind, 1126. fogging at ao lock ty "Jodee"Whle |" AWILLIPUS WALLUPUS" SENATOR SUTHERLAND 59 Disirict Court Notes. | WwW ashington, Jan. 29 say ee ve MAKES SUGGESTIONS t » ¢£ appli lec to; € t poto; aslup is the 5 newur name C eeeenine Miner nee } bee Eola? z.. trusts. It was a term sprung | : 7 x Seainst the town Pinar > house todey by John esley | United States Senator George ut at Mary A. Hazelwood has filed a petiof Tennessee when att ce | land introduced several bills In the tion for letters of administration in United States Ship. eet c eho : ! the estate of her husband, Edward J. re Littlefield of Neleaind ; . Hazelwood, who died January 12, 19058, f the shipping | nterests, h + | ats leaving an es y tabout 31,600, ° Sune the will of en Bo New York, Jan. 28.-Whether Mr. and Mrs. George J, Gould, who for several years have been warm personal friends of Arnold Daly, tbe actor, will attend the opening performance of "My Mamie Rose" when Mr. Daly brings the comedy to New York depends entirely upon whether the millionaire and his wife took serlous offense at an accident at the dress rehearsal at the garden theater Mr. and Mrs. Gould and several friends attended the rehearsal and sat n the darkened auditorium. At one of the most serlous moments. the of giggling and shown above snickering sible tor it thrown out. ejected that he realized lustration was heard and Daly ordered those consSsting of three lots in Whalon's ad- from a lew as they recently appeared given at the Hotel Plaza photografi in a sketch of at Mrs. the Gould charity and action against theater, vent with her Parts, ford at the hands Whi of Stan- Soctpatny for Mrs. Thaw. district attorney has cultivated and. aequlrea an antipathy against ¥ the. night confidently of the 25th of Jpne, 1906. SIMPLE WASH CURES ECZEMA. to liching, Burning: Skin Disease Routed Without Use of Injurlous Drugs Ty when a won Is entitled to ‘the consideration he same genti same courtes the same propriety should be accorded to one as Is accorded to the othe Thether the district attorney trasitaca rites those proprieties in questioning her I cannot say. e has ratber intent ‘on destroying this young con- vineing sane on th the night of Thaw the was shooting Pied. Great inventors often' have been Praised for surrendering the secrets of their discoveries. Practically the same world Dennis t skin specialist or Chicago: Dennis, tn his. own office pract pure Repetable oll properly with was practically ee Danribole: rheu an itching diseases But the Bil of wintergreen "alone was found ineffective. t required other mild ingredients such as glycerine thymol compou nded with the eae the produc to e real eczema 4s compounded D. D. D.. preacription positively es away the f applied 1 evidence out of the of a » and se ntee to prison In this very court room." "Now, one thing more," he continued. "It Is the oe of the distritt PL Beem to establish this man's responsibility, d t ac10t-mny {t-that rish mind this rice "will, ‘pring ‘tn observe & ver- as maaiete science has de termined that eczema Is first and all thé time a skin disease. If you want to know inore about the merits oe D. D. Prescription, call at ur stor Druehl and Franken, street, Salt Lake R. E. and Mary ubsidy a the ask-| asked, EB. Bittenger| stares : vis "tf this as eS The | of Max oO an preey his Brown, as father, you filed District T t ee noe executor former deceased, th @ "Th CA t - Physician's Brown, seb 7 gue a. in the face. What HOWELL yesterd the « a of : suit | brought against the estz r, B . Whitney. for $32 medical services | : : 3rown denies that the phy-| anice = ae oe neeen the serv nes in | question, and alleges that his joetgr. | never made any payments to the doctgr. ee Shirked Responsibility. ,aserted | 2 er he oer es oie mine Te eet. : Manali , the U nite a Ste ites. fadaliciahte ; 7 would e of : y clus Se a -" ther IS ACTI VE IN INDIAN | of ) \ bill ‘ (Ss. axand AFFAIRS ty of caring for thelr two children, Mrs.|Priation M: Iper filea suit for divorce] tenunce of Harriet of H181) ir City Court Notes. The Freed Furniture nd Carpet ompany brought action yeste oe against Mary E. F. to recover session of goods. agi. "amounting, eee TAOS, and $50 da ickson, Ellis cot? Mila brought an actin against torney fees. A. E. Hyde ele Are for $19,000 madeduring for thethe main-|In school com-jand for the: ints th In- Company Ail order t to sex the two ' recess «# driver for a bottling i see th xisting s territories dur conditionsfor claimed @ 6 and not the comexplo! suimme Wants to Know How firm can] with Mu tiot get away with something lke $1,000 of | other places sin Sack ay h ols other people's money tn leas than a year is et WV aded one of the feats in frénzied finance that} bottling works will have to be expla 1ined in oe courts,/ supposed to. account for yesterd ) ging zrand| " = C ea larceny was issued against Hee derick K | ‘long ago he was B own, a trusted employe of the Metcalf tiene came complaints and Sons bottling works in Bighth South! ebaut the accounts. An stree late S. Keith, former head of the Keith Detective agency o enver, meet after a separation of several sionthe. The. story tells of the attempts to separate the t se friends. of the final understanding per ee How | eunton that has has connected with it not . little pathos and much of romance will be ae in this city next Sunday whe zerson, a Denver busi- a Soar Tarbe Booze Funds Were Missing; tnsmed. HUSBAND AND WIFE MAY MEET HERE SUNDAY in ; -The commisNo Action Towards Statehoo. todi ay recom | Washingto Jan 5 rr 3 ° of the In-/ be no statehood legislation fo Naw » Utah, but} wexico or Arizona at if sion of ho is @ mem=| congress. The decision not to | acetic mintts at onon I Indian affairs, t yn in the tHe matter was rex Att today the usual appro- | by the house co mmil tte @ on territo s the system | §250 at mplaaints charging vagranocy were issued against oan ee who are stationed at G eld. oe : re ue ne ee Hoe the Third District court yesterday |{ns year. He also had placed In the} the two territories re against Elmer Piper. hey were mar-|Jndlan appropriation. bill Bod els of| fancies it is proposed ried December 23, 1897, and tn March,| $200,000 continue the on an} mittee at government e2 1900, Mrs. Piper says her husband Jeft| her and has since fal led to provide. aid Brown, with Dan Driscoll. who was| killed ‘at the plant tw ears ago, 7 at one time lessee i ant: ‘Sut Bite 2 James Metcalf sr ra took pos Session | f his. prope Brown became a driver, oO have revealed romS rhe sold ind field as a wan and discharge ind from customers i Stigation' is the fact that . ens Brown Was shit rt mething like $1,000, nd this. is t » Hamed in the combiaint A rrant wi is ft ied «fo hi arrest last nlehe. Browy iarried and ‘has Several children ~~ In the thirteen largest Missouri duet, to proves to 8 riee Che : bill ing I Batra; to : Ott SNC (Ss. 4 sion Howubt ng Republican Spec Ws ae ton, mend: ne nde ar ene a e of ‘the committe 1 ee ber succeeded ha ving eae simplify mat- ibie a uniform code ' sn tipping ee caused Perna complaint eatly ra a Se enur: ‘Arthur cour & Wallupus'' t nds : trust? of answer ; ee congress. nh reply ns: Loos he | ehtion abel ie sure} Pub ship had not been talked to dea 1 the senate. A deticlency of $100.060,000 now y I at you will bring Ro" other verdict, and I believe that rill welgh i this evidence manfully with h the fear of God your Parts "y leaye the deatipy of this defendant, life or death. in your hands, court a judgment for $1,846.67, se-| arch 20, 997, in WNebraska,| Denies entertainment in Aetcict be entered in the local courts and en-| it have been if you were now paying in (to the Third tgxced by Bel- feature the cnse Purine fae part, torneys, George & Graham and S&S L ot his ipeacit 1@ arose to tre ht of Shields, were in court, making notes hi denunviation of the acts of ¢ | of the testimony affecting the interests prosecution After awelling upon eG their pone. | Miss : ete who "ormer Governor Pennypacker was ha Vv -£0 : anne cance by the defense, and {s now | the wo ¥ have] in this city awaiting a call to the witelapsed since thé nurder the dis strict ne: 5s stand. attorney had only succes an In. st owing. ae es tint Harry: Thaw met elyn sbit dict of other than that this defehdant while she was appearing mn a New York t responsible for his con: uct on \Wwhen si ras ordered there for Bical opers exten because of inju ained t an¢ } : marriage to her-and heard from her. the story of the wrongs in ing that cured respon- Kyrie ip dition, Sait < Besides the widow, there are two sisters in Canada Montgomery yesterday filed a It was not until he saw the Gould party being the situation and made profuse apologies. The ilis m We are showing Beautiful New Spring Models in ail the late materials and foreign styles. 2 other ‘ SHIP TRUST CHRISTENED seems SPRING SUITS AND HATS for many | Government Will Take Infantry, | Cavalry and Artillery to Presidio. | ve een at worth from ah $500 ie to a $00 The case went to the a y and fifteen minutes later Was ren It will be "announced "this zat ic f Wh sound LESS court had ce of an obinson ar The Last Week of SPECIALS o fee _was exorbitant. has any HAMILTON'S SMART SHOP nine the shoe firm. Ashby Snow represonted|}iver, Us to make a brilliant rep: z on = - THE QUALITYSTORE - VE Mur at avo PEER Bind has vings w ext ‘in to court and ask ab-|fic departments of the Burlington and] stract of judement t Union Pacific railroads here have been} around tha she hac ev 1 Nes requestea to submit blds for the re-} that s was never inde sbte a to Lund moval of infantry, artillery and cavalry} Sd th it until the abstract was file at! corps from western points to the coast. | Provo she knew nothing of the matter) Troops will be sent from Fort Crook,| whatever, ‘he lower court ranted | x5) ivenworth and Fort Russell,| he shelved before he work, there are £0 pe for.. for r Ovet« oat Suit « yr Ovel Suit « yr Overcoat reoat Suit or Ov for Overcoat public the up Gore, c yesterday in the civil division of the aay of tonishment City court by Attorney Benner X. Smith |; ale sides lowed N. Jones ts suing Jolin Zobinson and |}. ughter and quest Arthur tobin son, of the Robinson hoe} gen ny thine <dtke company, for $400 for legal services ren-} | . dered Ripe the see es a "Good Lord." t squabble over the business affairs of) ).. oye bas TI told P. reversed. at eee sacritic for oat timation pusrnst Va the Overcoat rand's 2600 ® aero Suit yr " Overcoat * Overcoat r ‘Oat 30 36. That $10 {5 a reasonable fee for the transfer of a simple message from one party lo another, and other opinions OH ed, o he Folk family e¢ ver A similar case carne from the Philiptrouble in Tennessee I'4 do wt ‘ ee at ae fe 1€. . re y = mi had} to us uD. them out, I haven't heard from een sentenced to death, he appealed | hin to the Supreme court n the ground a that he had not been tried by a jury While it seems preposterous to pre- The yr Overe atte f. a lette live him ¢ Pacitic coast this winter So carefully has this : 7 guarded by the sovernment court appreciate --_-- Fourth Jostice handed court, is fully was written upon certiorarl proceedings brought by L. P. Lund again olen Ivers on an abstract of judg Aa filed two years ago Beoner penitenthe Upholds court suit 00 REVERSED. Reverses an opinion the Supreme rict ‘ pRICE No- cure a pardon. "Maybe I'll be in a aateion to do something for you some da the lette adh od. , hea of fellow," said se ator ne 1ylo0 ‘but you can't always tell It might be that he is sc court was ne made, he con-| Joe to the eonetPontiaal committee | see his a term tiary. vic EIS opinion Straup an ERE RES beneh itererah vee the, tast Meteotled| senator "Hon" neTaylorTraglOn. of Tennesse was tired enough 1 fo make him aaa to | tele of am etter (Ghe! ie Bee trict and In by ordinary next C/ Court be Senate annulle PCs same IVBERS Supreme mortals, and maybe they think pare ™ a possibility of being superseded by patriots W prices prices. have granted re ashe and year | know |} ke ttle Lithgo taking | without it, and B Brae go is now suing Lewis ae and's successor, and She c rif if prevent them fror vying horse ag Ollect the mine arate rithwo secureé ¢ t of DET ar from Te ] Sase regular sale $10.00 12.00 15.00 Phen Omen count ene) Sip Re tic: Cort note, ders that the abstract be filed and dock ted and that the order canceling it| an- at these "TO MOBILIZE TROOPS ON PACIFIC GOAST should but ne sar arena about rendered nevertheless a fact that the official circle a bran long-headedness is being eat aliy, Sultivate Maybe it other the nt judeme trict the * anc March it by Substantial Savings on Men's Suits and Overcoats Unfarily, Mrs. Ive s motion WES)The CARGECE Supreme court oftcia} but Clothes | Relics of Charles F. Durand's no- | court | torlous record in the Murray continue to bob up before the Third Mr. Durand Is no longDistrict court but echoes er city justice of Murray, of his work Qfoat eerily across the valley. The latest complainant is John Lithgo, who lives at Fourteenth South and Twelfth Ea st streets, out of the Murray court and jurisdiction of the ° os te says No in justice precinct that Feb. 17, 1906, he Was summoned in to appear before Justice Durand answer to a suit for $58 brought by E. He appeared with a statuC. Bagley. jurisdiction of to the tory objection and asked Durand's court, Under the change of yenue. eton' naveit a oad Ti pessimistic | 0. he gton every | OF VENUE 18 ket ting teeta ee Tb cere SS afternoon | day, and ' BELLEW call : Pee its Abe the name sup- Psiave that this furnied for under one item runs|in capitol SO aOR schedule and paid he or unc net another item In thi dule wat The ¢ Maat re alth produce e mbrance tifleate re me the his who the capitol, in the party pranentictine clerkship ‘is ‘zoin just a little way bey ond ‘reason { with lerson, and secured from the Partin ae Stee he id manded before tssulng a arthe payment of Sanderson's al : vwitne also sald Sanderson sic as economy nteit how p many ‘with 2 | ill tificates In the Signed to them ed ‘at ae Sny¢ rant bill cot half hyster assobe st <. of Beforo the state, Hust architects' cer- testimony on paris neeting, | Scsston eee at its head, clearer to} to n a ali eailice Ak that 4k th he first time inupon his career alled {s eprend two Tillman, pear oe opportunity , n train aré a Shys ints ean at. the SCSI : bills for such action. With ie iré eclat ed Senators as ler, _Kittre aE rows and Procto 16r¢ wit noise pretty soon and every for sen- O) Burope in the the witness wa: ton went away district | plied th 8 Pe iture ou to] y inets > dis-| ~ le phy-{ orficia]) °labove he oa n one ' incident line?' enany Od er OL CRU committee last th te y pt eeption : -Roosevelt, colleagues eam more hands coe the President. Lhe waa) velt ed genlally and said h raore ‘del ht ed to see him than anyone one. Indlan The be|™an Poneeeunie of the diplomatic ator, eed ae cl . a Oo never se REDD the eeeere ops rounds. re honor OD coasta to ce have 2 plenty"|know the accepted as " quarters "te pera ave| evidence.} Reade aah Congr: att ul: itions are due Senator Till} man. 1at comm citted of his, which There Is considerable comment ag to] 1s supposed to look after the interests root now the President stands on the Jap-|of the Five Civilized Tribes i Indians | (Y ese question, Roo sevelt ¢ at This the bil], for $50,000,000 1s a whole lot « of | money. Tr has himself only} T Sy uvyailed ANHEVOULTOUOlacthe 5 ard the} " poin neat which cnused he trouble, attorney has been held up pome say it is good | cen tec ro | DOlitics to ep them worrled over dos £ aie matters inatesd of Interested in een , = ry ‘ r rx Who| trict ;some ot her Nebraska politics. ric of knows sete ye cd doubt interests feud {is all dential polities many Wwi say - Pees in oe ee te el ora : Sere! Sondnine tines or} eee repre sentatives compelled to pay rent Hae momeyhing eee lington The because Not a Bargain ® gain | | made clear at Arc hite et Joseph ) me 5 va e | M Huston intends to protect eG int the expense of his former assistants tha en, E. Se Pavitt || Huston's brother Rev C, would ‘necessitate the purchase of an|=-==== ane locity delivered an : ier, cs Samuel ; 3 sroperty }| | Huston, : a retired Presbyterian minister, immense': tract of , a 5 Iness proper rida belne somewhat dif: ety > i h ft Pennsylvania avenue F ; IBNIZCG 25 9 = a . i followed Stanfore 3 ewis upon he mow, fi ist.ata time when chanc a MASTERFUL EFFORT stand and gave testimony tending ace the relating to this Sp : , : : , : Bs to Seatlat enanon excellent, the senate beThe feud now ae between the two} IN THAW DEFENSE show that H sistants took adcomes skeptical, It's not much wonder youthtt 1] senators ee Ne prac Is | vantage of S abse in Burope to ou ‘ sing considerabl discussion ust} = : ore. to Serie rucartifica tess Ps Sab hes been estimated that about! now Burkett and Brown split over) (Continued From Page Ounce.) oa us of the blanl certi icat sign $9,000,000 would cover the expense and] thy election of an Internal revenue ed with his name In order to secure would be reasonable. On the strength/coliector for Nebraska. That such a|lfact beyond a reasonable doubt, es I payment for some of the furnishings of this oe "the bill got out of the/| matter conld end thelr friendship is|feel that I have gohe even furthe for which the state was charged exorcommitte a pel sing to many, for they elped Mr. Littleton then paid hi re cts bitant prices. Imagine the Fe plan A eh of Borie: inter-| ele each other and both a val to a aa of the piDros ecution, With In today session I ne aes ested realty holde when, on the senca to th fact that they fought vali-] much earnestness he on; Rr Samuel T. Huston of Phila phia, ate floor, ae ne were made that ff antly against the domination of the Burden of Proof. Brother of Joseph M. Huston, the measu testifiec is passed, the government state y the Union Pacific and Bure "T have tric my case. and the dis-| that during his brother's absence in yiT ogvicious bilicedattacks, for fremangous senators prices sald the tract would cost not a cent Office i | ' ies es AN JLLED ing one IN price alone by it is judged When unless it would be full value at a igher. pr vali great the Know Those who alleged sale price. \ Justice Accused by| | John Lithgo of Conducting ||| © 00 CARSAE 1 MFARLA LPAIiL | hi Murray State at Fant so Much per - | ang When Is a Bargain?» Another Case Bobs up in Third District Court in Famous Rulings. REFUSE CHANGE i CEE nhianA | poe - | a i COSTLY VULALU a in i Worked. cod a auadruple action has world round STORE...Jever theadministered world than Drug ; Coan \ Ice (SOME | ' that 41 te. at} ce Mescink arat BA sane ri Pssor or iam eh » 4ncoar Loose. yelt, has been able to eaccomp lish more the pre serviced of th ace 7 | | zs A Vn as time. | Again pune e rennet' Kor wary saan } short tre pia RELICS OF DURAND'S COURT ' | 3 é, |ae__ Prmipri {Continued PromaPage One.) ae Ocean, . ej RAT YARED PRESIDENT oo | Sofas Saint will |{ el these predictions are verified it} vent 1 sterful man from re-}; senate for Senator Gore! he respect and admire ution of all) come in contactWw | ] a urning to ty th : ftrade ( | z = ° ifi i is no imasinary | Former Clerk How in Huston's Of-| thera| fi T ‘| Others will vision ' ° | MORE cn I ne | SAA \ | JANUARY 30, 1908. THURSDAY, UTAH, - a ‘ Appropria-|=| Favors President ee ea ca | tions For Protection Along . CiTY, the ere elected | yonorsaE memory Re oF It a Trial Today. LAKE | between "Oilohoms | nator, the whole and state! it is; at the poe a sreat advan-! reaatinmocrattel DEFENSES ON WEST COAST) Only 50c a Boitle] Give SALT be the| was allotted t to drawn arg be v ren When | athe iine was {A Flousehold remedies are invariably | ™, good, and so simple they do not jure the system. For a cough we especially recommend White} yino drawn MELON: that L. |} six-year tefm S Ap tNTER-MOUNTAIN ee | ° 2 by 5) ( t DR 4 the yeurs candy river. be that. candy we business Why? sure, and bullt west Chaality Our Always girl have very say get the of of up the pro- growth STARTUP'S purest sud best. City. ~ -e - B |