Show SILVER PEAl PEAK MINES r The The OM Lynch OMeara eara- eara Lynch Syndicate Syndicate V Made Hit in Buying E OPEN NEW PROPERTIES r- r Y Extension Company Has Rr TIp- Showing nL oL Shallow low Depths r i pho iio of ot tho the old new mining O of Xo de J 11 attracting most fa favorable ta- ta a- a I 2 attention these days dars Is Silver Sliver Peak where whore the tho Lynch OMeara-LYnCh syndicate syn fn yn- yn 4 and ind- the Pittsburg Silver Peak ki f. f I company are especially active In applying apy ap ap- ap- ap y f plying modern methods to the development devel dove i opulent and operation of oC time old bo bonanza bonanza bo- bo nanza mines That the ledges of this district are ii 3 wonderfully rich Is shown by tho the tact fact 1 t ti that Uw they w were re worked profitably at atI ata I. I t. t a a. time when methods wore were so o crude crudo I jf and means moons of oC transportation so prim prim- j that tho the cost of oC a ton I of oC oro ore through the mill was was from irom 1 40 4 to 00 60 GO As an example of ot the tho methods by which the Silver Peak r mines were handicapped In the tho car early J days It is related that all tho the ores were hauled up Inclined by br a n nI hand windlass 9 thence taken up an in in- in i. i t dined shaft shaH b by whim to the surface 1 then thou loaded Into cars and transported I J I about a quartet quarter of or a mile and anti dumped Into chute and then thon into j 1 a again ears caas farther down dawn the hillside Then they ther 4 were handled by tw horses and drawn to toS toJ J S bins about three miles away From I these bins they tho were shovelled Into x 1 t wa wagons ons and hauled miles then sacked Oi and placed upon burros and by them Iy 4 convoyed to the tho mills milis for tor reduction t. t This Is In marked contrast to the t present methods when compressors L J run by electric power are arc being In Installed In- In J. J stalled electric hoists are being prot provided pro pro- c t vided and mills are being built right at the mines Proving Pro Great reat Mine f The Thc mine was purchased t. t about one year ago ogo by the O Lynch syndicate for tor Within six months of oC the date of or the tho purchase It is said the new owners could have havethe sold the tho property for tor But th they were satisfied that t ticy 1 had a gre great t mine and subsequent development develop develop- mont ment has confirmed their jud judgment ment Jt sit Ilis Is said that th they already have havo blocki block- block i- i i e 4 l oil cd l O l out a n. b body th oc ot ore which will wIH net I i em from r t to when they arc are ready rendy to extract and r rI mill mUI It and and- the development of the mine has ha only fairly begun From present indications it will soon rival the the famous Drinkwater mine which was purchased from the Blair people last Jast summer for tor cash Among the most promising of the new properties being opened In the district is IR that of or the Silver Peak Val Va- s- s calda Extension Mining company compan which owns eight claims on extensions of or the a veins Development work In tho the Eagle anti and Golden Hoop mines of this company which lie ie about feet teet southwest from the n. n mine has opened up a body boly of or oro ore which runs from Crom 15 1 to a ton with veins running from rom fl four our to six ix feet the tho Golden Hoop vein Ii showing values from 14 to and tho the Eagle ledge o showing the a aton ton values These values are arc found t 1 in n the Golden Hoop mine at twenty feet In depth and In the Ea Eagle lo at f twelve tc feet l in depth an and those these two 1 hedges fledges ore are being developed also the ther ri r Tomboy Sand and Tomboy Fraction with 1 r the iho continuous work of or twelve men An n Increased cd force of ot men will be r. r 11 added as a. rapidly as the development will permit Ledges Arc Strong Strom These Those l ledges ledge are showing exception exception- 4 fal al values oven In the country of mines F y which produce ores of fabulous values value 1 and as soon as aH It Is demonstrated beron beyond beyond be be- yond yond- ron all question that anything these values will continue proper re reduction re- re 74 works will be erected to wor work c tho the product of or the mines The history of or the district Is that v tho Iho values Increase with depth and that hat tho the ledges ledge grow larger larser and stron stron- ger Tho The a Extension company compa compa- ny JY will for the tho present concentrate Its efforts upon the development e of ot Its Tomboy Tomboy Fraction Golden Hoop and anti Ea Eagle lc claims It appears to be bo a particularly strong company compan Judging juds b by Its HB roster roter of ot officers its I president la is J. J JM M Fenwick who Is secretary sec sec sec- F of or a number of ot the big mining companies of ot Gol Including the t Consolidated Minus Mines compa- compa ny 21 C. C B. B of or Stimler Illg lug ginson Co is 19 vice Ice lont wiLlie while some Mme of oC the most prominent I I t nent mint mine owners of or Silver Peak ar are arc t tS it S on the tho board of directors |