Show G hESS D B f Although the time annual liquor bill of the United States Slates bus hus ins rl risen en to tn the tIme amazing figure of or a a. million and amid a half bait dollars ollars a year rear the tho average e of or drunkenness has decreased The Tho number of teetotalers has increased although that Is not entirely certa certain in But lint there Is IR more mOle sobriety e ty S Report conies collies from Washington giving a n. compilation of some sonic vcr very interesting statistics Among them Is time the statement that tho the total number of non drinkers has been heen greatly Increased b by the tue rule Iule now generally adopted by railroad companies forbidding the use of intoxicants How Ibis effective is the time prohibition as as a n. prohibition no bUlon-no no one can an toll tell But Dut a as a measure preventing drunkenness among railroad men and ana Increasing their t tendency to sobriety it certainly Is effective Po Possibly there is a more general self-control self In the use of alcoholic stimulants One hears henrs constantly of tho the Increase of or liquor drinking among women But Its effects ar are visible rather to the seeker after aCler depraved things than to the general observer There Is a CL general impression that the revels of the thc fa fast l set in cities is an WI n event ent of or much liquor consuming But Hut It Is not The amount of or money expended mul may mar be large l but Jt the tho quantity of or liquor diverted dl from the visible supply Ks is not large Two or 01 three men from the ml mi e es will lower the tho line lineon lineon lineon on the tue nations nation's cask of or Intoxicants considerably more than would tho the Indulgences of a a. a half hair dozen parties of or 5 T gilded youth In New ew York And If It the latter would undertake to equal the consumption of or the really effective e men mOn of the mines there thore would be bo a dozen Thaw cn es before the Manhattan courts Instead courts Instead of one ono The really significant t feature of or the time report J Is that thol tho the average of ot beer boe drank lI by workingmen seems to 0 Increase This Item of consumption explains of oC the total of or outlay It Is p perfectly amazing the lie quantity of b beer r drank by men who work for tor 8 wagon and the amount of mont money th they y pay for It And therein lies not only the menace of ot drink but time tilt problem of ot the this temperance nCe worker I |