Show Q GO En I G THIS TIlE CITY BY HY State Slate Senator Benner X Smith has ilas Introduced a bill to provide a government b by trustees for or cities s of or the class in Utah And there are ate a good gond man many timings things to commend om mend the move I Tho plan Illan to put tho the government o of or Salt Sail Lake Into th tho hans hands of or three men who shall bo bu paid I e thousand dollars per pcr year t each ach each Is wise sise It I Is In III the line of or It II needs no argument to show to our people that three threeS S good good t men would make mako a 0 better hetter showing than do dothe JJ the IU very VOlT much larger number of oC city governors now 1 1 In service In tho the city hall hail It i Is lf along ulong till tho line linus of f c usual business Es management There Thero n a limited number of directors or trustees are ire given full control and the they thoy era uro hf held td responsible for the prop proper r administration of or tho timo thod d duties 1 9 that Ho lie upon them i 11 There should bo bt le less graft craft There should bo IH moro more service for tor tile the Thero There should b be a a. big saving to tn the y rs to- to It would woul not hOt be b so Io so helpful for the politician politicians nor nori i I I I. if t L I L L S 1 L 1 it for the ward heelers who have been so largo large an element elemen In the present city government But Dut It lH has lHman man many points point to recommend It to the people who have ha no Int interest r st In nn tiny any government KO hut the lest host government o We WA do not know what will whit he th the attitude u of tho the present legislature toward Senator Smiths Smith's proposed bill But they ma may b be assured that that plan has b been ln tried f elsewhere 1 that It has haq worked successfully full and that there Is no observable reason wit why It IL should not Ilot work well h here re Salt Lake p people popie are much like the b boat st people In other localities And It If such a scheme can succeed l else else- where It should not be a n. failure In Salt Lake Iak |