Show I INVITATION FOR FOn PROPOSALS T TO F GOVER GOVERNMENT SURVEYS Department of at the Interior Office or U u uS S. S Surveyor General District of Utah Ulah Salt SaI Lake City Cit Feb Feh 21 2 21 1906 I Notice I hereby herch herchen given Riven en that sealed seabed proposals wll it'll wi he received at this office up lp to 10 and n In In- In eluding March 23 If JA for or running mea mei 01 touring and marking according to 10 lay law am ann and 11 unions Hull lh the following described sur suir t veys wit ull wl to-wl Under notice No o. o 7 7 10 lne lines In ps 1 14 S S- Rs Ra ns I 13 13 Ii 14 Hand anti and 15 V. V. V rp Tp 13 S. S S. S Its lis 19 JD nn and W 20 W V. rp 13 12 1 S. S I Rs 1 lit 18 19 10 and antI 2 21 l I W V. and bins 11 lb 1 S. S Rs Js Ts 18 and 19 10 W. W estimated mie miles township mind and Ind range lines in alo above abovementioned abovementioned mentioned townships hIJ f estimated 57 5 ml miles s lines in umu I ps 1 J S S. Rs Us R 7 am amS am amS and andS S W. W cord and f Tp Tn 2 S. S R. R S W. W estimate HO ml miles lown township hip and range lines In lr above named e abo townships estimated 1 I 1 Probable Proba S 'S retrace mi miles bl IP resurveys lV or 01 m ments nt Salt Lake base line litre Ino estimated 71 ilo unities miles mies guide Juhle meridians estimated d 1 I n puller miles standard lines limes estimated UmaNI C 6 I miles township and ran range lines estimated 4 l miles mits section lines lImes IS miles mies al alof alof al of oC tIre the Suit Lake Ile ba bae ae e and meridian Utah Ulah Under notice No 8 lines Ins u ii ir This 1 I I. I 2 and aid 3 2 N. N R. R 23 13 B. l. l Firs 2 and N. N R. R 22 Z I K I. 2 and nl 3 N. N R H. H 2 21 E. E anti and TIIS 2 and ami 3 N. N R. R n 20 E. E es 8 2 25 miles guide Juide men menu lians In above named townships townships estl mated maled matel 13 miles ml s meander r lines blunts In above named townships estimated 57 7 miles mies township and range lines hines in aho above L 40 10 n 10 townships 1 lines In T 3 antI and 1 t S s. s n R. R 20 E. E E. E Mini mind TI J I I anti and nf Ti I I S. S It n 19 n. n P. P no miles mies 11 and amid ran range e lines u mm Ir above named nto c townships ps estimated 2 2 miEs miles Probable reHl s or retrace tonal SuhU lines hues lint estimated 2 i miles mies township lines hues estimated r 3 3 miles mils standard lines Jnes l I miles mlis Utah Wyoming boundary I line n 1 estimated 1 Ii miles Ilef boo boundary Fort military tar st rc alion 10 miles mils all al rh of or tin thin lIl Stilt Salt Sal Lake base hal and amid meridian Utah Ulah BliP Bid Bd must mUSI bo ho at stated prices per mile mie for cue euc each anti and all al of time the above l aho classes claes of surveys SU CS and n nd no rio hid bids will wi 1 be inc considered wh where le th thu prices e SO IP for standard and mean mean- tier lines 7 for or township and und o for sec lon and amI connecting lines where tire the lines of ot survey las las' pass over o mountain mountainous out ous lands bands or 01 lands heavily timbered 01 or covered with wilh dense demise lens undergrowth and Dul Ir in II such cn case cose at the rat rate rale of 13 13 for stand art artand for fOI an and and meander I lines Ines 11 1 47 7 for or section and an lines ant an and except where HI lines litres of or survey p- p ps pass passover passover s over mountainous lands or lands l Ica heavily O lr covered with e under undergrowth or on eed co difficult le to growth and exceptionally survey purvey and In tn such case al at time the rate o ot 25 5 for 01 or standard and meander lines t- t t. t for township lines and amI 2 for fOl a and amid connecting lines II per net r mie for every er mile and part purt of or a mile nu actual actually um un and marked mit 11 in the Inn field fell Rates Rales of or mileage In excess of th he minimum 1 9 7 Jj 1 foi the lie of or the tie described lines hints will wi only I e be lie allowed under statutory stipulations a af c. lE lo 0 the clays class s anti and character of or the lands land hills should ca state stale specific rates for each All bids must mUt be class clus of or surveys Al mal In writing sealed al d cm end marked marl ed Proposal to Execute Government GovErnment Surveys described describe in ho notice No 0 7 i 01 or S. S as tire cap Cf may be bE dated leb Feb 24 21 t 1 K Proposals may be belef ll left heft at this orl office In tn person nerson or l ln lef b mail mad in n an on envelope and forwarded by notice described In this plus Bids for or surveys will ivill le ie opened on March 1906 and noice no no- t wi ice Uce le forwarded to lh the successful bidder accompanied accorn thereafter within twenty days day's las la's pained with contract Including h said surey sur sur- sur wih ey veys an and bond which must be executed and rind returnee to lo office inv im- mediate Only responsible reliable and competent surveyors or will be he employed In who wIno mut execute their surveys s person per per- son and will m be bt required ed lo to give Il bond bondIn double the d amount of or contract con contract In inn and anti who persons Instance tract Ii In each ech have not heretofore executed agricultural contracts courtr In this stale state will it'll wi he be rea r ired tc le II evidence as a lo to then liens thel furnish technical and financial ability to carry successful completion It w wJ wit 1 seine same to a uCc I be required that the thE surveys survey's U YS herein described lt de di be bp completed anti and r returns turns scribed to this of office on or before Dec i 1 1 1907 iwi under tinder more mor submit bids bid may thair ono one notice aa but tine tho bids must be bl under each ach and this office w Will b separate to firm rm of oC deputies limit each luch deputy or be properly prop prop- amount of or work as n can cain such 1101 an mount ch 1 url erly completed al within tine the sp specified c tel lo to reject reject re re- re- re office cHico th hUt thU The lie rl right ht Is reserved ld b by will bo Pu air air- ani 1 and ami nil all ul on our bids the tine part and nl of or no mo the lie contracts United ll w until approved by hy time the laud land office olce rHO THOMAS I S rr Pr r of the he general for Cor Utah Ulan General HULL I t. t S. S Surveyor Generl |