Show Sues SUC for ot Death neath Rose rInse Moore administratrix In the I state of or Clarence E E. Moore deceased has lias filed Hied suit In fn the Second district court against ag the Union Pacific Rail nail Railway wa way company to tn recover damages to the thc extent of or which she al alleges alleges al- al leges cn wen Werf suffered by br the death of or her husband while In the company's t r at Morgan Utah on March 15 15 1905 Attorneys King Burton Burlon Kins ln Io of Salt lal Lake City It and anti Maginnis Cornor Corn of or Ogden represent nt the plaintiff The rue complaint alleges g s that Clarence Clarenc E. E Moore wan UI in the employ of or the Union Pacific company as a brakeman brakeman brake- brake man luau and anti while hlll In the discharge of hi his i duller dutIe near Morgan 1 he entered enter enter- ed etl hel between 11 the thc engine anti and a car bos-car to make a n coupling the ingine backed hacked hack back ed up and he ho was vas crushed so n that hat he tiled died shortly aft afterward I It Is alleged further urther that a defective vo stay bolt on nn he the tender and tho CUlt I n. n of or orthe the engineer I wore the immediate causes of lie the accident ent |