Show G Good od Morning orning HAVE YOU drank Hewlett's THREE CROWN CROWNS S COFFEE it it ITS IT'S THE FRESH UTAH ROASTED COFFEE To Io San Sail Francisco cu or lr Los Angeles Angelel no Salt Lak Route RoUl Utah's most I mail 1 I ll Hn 1 9 South Main strict rIc ts on fa wile tOlla today s Phol 1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN BELL BELLi TELEPHONE CO 1 i either Ither phone to get The Call dc- dc any Republican tor Mountain circulation aLl advertising or department j. j I IT I f 4 x iA 1 4 rr- rr nv 42 HOURS TO i I T Trans Trains Leave Salt Lake via va OREGON SHORT LINE OVERLAND LIMITED P. P M M. LOS ANGELES LIMITED H b ATLANTIC EXPRESS H HEASTERN EASTERN EXPRESS A. A M M. O. O A. A WALKER General A Agent US anti anil 10 West cst 2nd South St. St SU SALT T LAKE LAlit CITY UTAH Doctors Doctors' Money I J- J We Ve collected IGO for the Keogh- Keogh i c r Hospital from a f k wan man Th The claim was waI a bad one I but Its It's good now W Wo Yo can collect some somo for you ou J It you O turn them in Ar 1 iI fJ Mercha Merchants Merchants' ts J I Protective V Association H d t- t Scientific Collectors of ot Ba Bad Debts t I- I f Av Fifth Floor Commercial Nall Bank J lf Salt Lake City 7 r. r G. G LU LUKE l M Mgr SOME PEOPLE DONT DON'T LIKE US US' U. U S. S DEPOSITORY DE DESERET SE RET NATIONAL Salt L Lake l e City Utah Capital Surplus Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent L. L S. S lulls Hills President Moses oses Thatcher Vice President H. H S. S Young Youn Cashier Edgar Egar S. S Hill nm A st. st Cashier I J. J E. E H H. P. P Clark I Pre Pre Pres Cashier r. r OPEN AN ACCOUNT WIT WITH Commercial National B Bank J. J J. J Dal Daly W W. l P. P Noble i Vice A A. H. H Peabody a |