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Show 6 THE INTER-MOUNTAIN REPUBLICAN, SALT LAKE CITY, FRIDAY, TRADING D PRC )SPECI Lite ARR 19 LE 3ae i* ated Wants . Bingham. -- _ COPPER UTAH at lead pounds, 17% + / Improvement Company + + + A With ed f Singled Have to . Wall Out i ea bet ah : ee : pare prominence lite © not gs Ee ae _r Ce ands nie. Sole Me nt : Pak . ; p | San tiene | | | period, hab apty a within delivery for sady at all are jn cortrol those that hours to do business on terms that are agreeable It is said to Walte Abeesol applications, ; ~ See . i <proceed { u ae if « ns rmuGh ofthe woods 3 to take feck: ae = Wall : | such congrat-} nent are by organized Sp ticlre vas crowd " (esses was. he that of f one oo ion Iistory Re | WB" PORIORS of inthe binsestithings he this <a-.knowledge-of With mining. oO on made ye « ae diggings y Oot us co the aio : fs : aca P . ion ae . Ane Pe so they w » offerings, emselves ys tagich : : expert; mining by many be invaded men and engineers. nee esultS. e - TOMIS.0O, from Paris come to bless the w ae residence unton "s 1s Easier, ce said the turned Rocks er | in City f the \ of Tot ‘ jas anuen with resulted the for out lwhich sworn public g x ul ; thal attorney in zone; further Insist on Wealth of Control 'Those' in | to Pathom Caen c | ent, tight of ile D: will Hiot 7 : ~ a ae . interes "¥ ¥ owner ae ‘iken ape#, SaN es © ai Samaria ie are n down eS |; | . NOP Trans: by Limited Camp ¢ Afforded from the mill are confined ari aN Not one, of the aut. ar Sods Inauired hie the ion ence aeidn: v:is<more favorably inten 2 ' a 7 ) Mr Dicktheir resources witht and.that thes willthan be isee sail GHE Mii e 1 moet the OF industries western : > t News 25 ache his wife, " ‘oO by Accompanied 20" | some } 1as no dou a period Qe with FOR © TAMA NGS, AU INGS MILL : ees, arrin 3 ' mer, and at us® Plar to Install a ar ond the ce tailings dumps Mi out rginia City, Ney., which were reo Weberc cenlly. acquired by Seceurcin ; be there ' will others of this city, and forwarded to'that camp Monday maerjal . with which to construct s a mill f eee et nee | BOY oe | UTAH'S POPULAR Reis a in the deassault badgeered RAILROAD + /DAILEDEPART 4:15 p.m. Angeles Limited 7-Los Angeles Express 12:01 aan 1-Los and Stockton 61-For 7:45am ' Tintic No, No, No, rea, eerie een RSS ay inns, : > rire Vallephe a.m. a ee 8:00 Pete "11:30 a.m. 53-Ior Garfleld... p.m. 4°43 Nephi. ¢5-For and L von: 20 p.m. 61-For nee RS = No. 8-Los yak Garfle and Nephi vis and Tintic .......-..+.- Stockton a.m. a p.m. 1:80 » Nephi....... No. 62-From a.m. 6:30 9:50 LN aie SABRE 64-From Solid | No. all for rom rom aoe a 66-F y Ne No. p.m, 5:45 es ol ne pense INGDRE as MILK ‘ON LIVES DAILY. A, " Limited ARRIVE. Angeles 2-Los Angeles Express and Lynn 62 Se No, No. to} TABLE. TIME CURRENT public af 00) the into advances work as | provement body ore | new concenMoore of Minnie A carload this place from trates will be shipped | 5:33 p.m. 6:00 p.m. | Beck | ®5 160 att Scie eee Se Ore aes te Orem 1 J. ASA. ; Tunnel | a | sinking on the aoen ole 10041$3.55 ee Grand Central, , shaft to continuc new | inquire to | Iast at development air ear Robs pena ‘ returned has as the from of| progress the into of the properties the fe A. JAS, | 6 & POLLOCK 3 on altogether rely that returns the position a the results at such utter variance, it | 2284 been decided in the resampling of| {ve -Ppreperties under negotiations with Samuel and corporation Venture he |‘!Newhouse, to abandon the muffles and | shall the tables be certified Montana zenpan Gpyfo-7 Tonopah Tongpah 1x |* fonopah West fond Com. ; and | Adams Kaew | Atlanta by $ 4.02% | | "The method, after all, is the | Gonqueror:...--...0) ss5+++- || been|°#chfacilities per- Diafmonatia id sens more satisfactory where mit of its application, said a prominent | Dixie nes metallurgist during the day, as it is | Goltticla $ diffeult to get away from the actual | Jumbo acer Gravels. ue S the tables, 7 | results that Montome ry Mountain or at recovery | remarkable a be to prove Ww hat may |. Rapes we hare of management the by returned Berrumj|are the was made on gold find | Fag tavs is | ni ee the method Ce rtainly the sampler. e of seats miles south w three anch, i tension: I B ends under and time, less involve to going the Gazette} ye sterday a ei in an {it the fate of the deal should be known | Muay Queen drilling While says ev. Reno, afternoon, of a prom-|atan early day. It is the desire of each E MID DO WIG ss. aoe. poise ceal ans eA we ae | into a deep strata of the principals, indeed, to lvasten the | Red Top .-..--0..c4s+-. sheeprmn, cut ‘nt | | the.management) has achieved. foe he P find Placer N of the tion wash sand nt The pecullar raised.in i migh already black his mind color the of |oxamination ques-| mineral contain was to astonished will permit. Meanwhile and that find ardedrsn'20te on, ie o.co.ccriyese «0.2005. ores | aieBooth... Bell tons 1.66clumbia ‘Mountain a . Pelvate sions Provisions. | lea » BRYAN, AND embers LOGAN wi respondents as the rapidly as conditions SaAnOstorm: ver 43.) can awnlnes | didn't "1@ ‘a..| «2: me | ‘@> | 1.o7%4) | 55 s | @ | | 45 {> ‘wm AT 195 "06 -~.seiereaes. Sliver Pick: ie the of management 235 #68" Pe li 0 144) ...0..5+ . 46 ape . starvation didn't need have f ings, eee to CO Fle bowed in about | the him. few indignity days Fate later the was a Gold r . ave shewed an ledge. per) 40 den ee POW of 11 an average ge, shewed B end Great } copper ar a Into the ledge tou. to the sopper the it} are eee wapex 3 ‘ betenae | ide process with Sompardtivenr better-than 30 Meare Ce nsprincipals have In the dumps acquired by Mr, » M MeGur- cost. much excite-| determining the strike is causing The |™é&nt about the city. Fe local plant, and of results those behing | ‘To San Franclaco or Los Angeleg| Utah's iow Salt Lake Route tie undertaking have no doubt what-|$25.00, y 1988": oa to is day plantninety TheShes ver. honed gitewl esday completed. pee Sa he ithin rin and associates are several hundvea| have that thousand tons of tailings thoroughly tried out at the com ‘ . 2 be followed ‘To by finally of value a tra = Franclsc San : ©appealed the ores Los IN [BOSTON STOCKSeee Bray oe 7 Market Angeles, = a . for) | will Again Unrully Unruly Although Ot- "GET ACQUAINTED." PRADA SERS? aiid Ga, sade: stsok' Sit Light Unusually We fecing Utah's mont Y 26 00, ‘galt take outs ier tayo ; fone MBI. UNUSUANY eringsRostonQRS. market Sea veneune during the day be ree Speclal Pe eee ; ' one enane Se flBeneeae at u a ‘ ckets on sale today. 1ONnEes » the Hst was again = disorderly with the Lake toute" 7:50 a, ere ete leaves m, 8:30 a.m. No. q {res Cork ,; |]| |}!No. : ny alley ane iDteeeas = 6 o'> POlntS...+<HLO 18-Fro = Chica go 1:45 '1!No. H|i No, { Francisco.... 7:35 of | No. I No, ae " INVESTM EN' ape cB aan ST ; : E. S. D. D. | p.m. GP. PURLEY, ees SPENCER, A rs P, st 201 Main City Ticket Office, pone ak . mele | 5:65 p.m. 6:05 Cache Ogden, 9-For Valley, Butte, Helena, Portland, San Francisi ai oe voce ewe ae 45 p.m. points ......ntermediate ' : or 2 De nver Omaha. Chicago iT Ogden, oo Sree and Louls ane St. IR. AND SUGAR STOCKS. BANK t Securi Grad arycn G Z "ys ee om = ana tles Boug ao Oe oes 36. Main St. Both Phones 12 a] points... ate NKEI ak ~ on 1893,) BONDS Iitermedt' Nort Chicago wha aaa St. 1:30 p.m. Cache Ogden, intermediand ...csseere - . 4:05 p.m. points re ie ate No. fe and Francisco..... ..+ 11-For Valley Motors Kan- Louis St. City, sas 4 Denver, Chicago, Specialty. p.m. DEPART. ene Ogden, Denver, Ka go, sas City and St Loule 7:10 a.m. 7-For Ogden, ets s F San 3utte, 10:30 a.m. bit & intermediate . Omaha 1-For Ogden, 6-For No. San CUTLER C JOHIN San and i { a.m. e ( Om: a 4:25 p.m. nea Sere ChiOgden, 2-From Kancago, St. Louis, . aha , : ee 6:15 p.m. aes Ba Francisco and San ver A 10-From Ogden, Cache : Por ! = Valley, : Butte, Lice an oer st. ERO ORe above shown numbers, Line train Shortnumbers Oregon Train areNote: and do not apply to the Southern Pa‘citle west of Ogden, or the Union Paase east cifle i : a aa ik : . ® ® a disap- & | | ° 6:16 a.m. ranutLe, San land .. se cwniecs GIBCO). Ogden ‘and ‘in6-From heaping man I |) 62Ue No. j No, | ¢ourdy manner, the farmer says,Foranda to the barn to sleep, | Went sig hevepted oe Shelter, but few ony to complain heard times was | Several | wpon A | SF} No. . South Ist West (astablished AND STOCKS edt pom "he" Bad Worked wrinkle. no 51 a Wiring Electric He shelter. ork compelled to lay him off for a Was hard of because weeks |couple butof had told him that the barn, Cimes, containing blankets, was open to him and that the larder of the farm house was equally avatlable, forehead calm high, Simpson's | showed onyes Hand. - - an- starve without© do to EFFECT 18, 1906. IN Feb. = Cheago 4--From Ogden, ee reat ee Denver... and City sas Sie ih Ogden, ee i||No. arian } owen : Assortment Good A f ? otor Cummings, who, according to PESTON AE oe °° -.-| peared. MUAY ieacs Se 0 CRORES preperies is keeping up its exploratory was educated him, those who Knewexquisite ‘44 ie 24: OUR RRRee 92240 level, be and ena $0) 13 | to vss ae An | Sees.) work on the 500-foot nas Dead and point, almost an "O7 Beers Builtros seit cross-cut, of the face the Wednesday which Is now forging its way through | Steinway . ...........- Ss atset LY ee13 | Sere cared for bj every expecting WEES were he as oldif clothes him small} a browght n |2¢cord ingly to gravel of : the sadd and Harris |#mount . made| Asgayer last- night. Reno = examination of the sample and Mr.) errum bo Com on the part of | Wi not which of 14tne to lots samplers warded by caused Simpson +8] 38 | seueriwres vabnpecesvecs™ia) nse seeee| . the) -ltheay valley "In:. ‘ pro: prominent. most: st o .-Pride ar. upon of ; dependence = b 60 Simpson, William horror caused TABLE TIME : : 3 ermediate OM eatcacig | orders arson, , esertad tn I, ERG ir road and Clarkson street, Hunterfly frozen body, man's The Mlatbush } ' stiff after days of exposure, has been 140.35 1 Kings of Cushman Dr. and found, 7 18-68Wye | : ; 19, had beenOs said death hospital, County | 2.55 ) es . and 1:--Prid Mar! ort, we cestry others QO finely and reared years old, delicately ; " . : 7" "pe rad educate Patrick Gunmings, df Patrick ‘arin Cummings, a at of the farm of «the jie ewel eee Vecept Charity, Exposure. ‘Yori Wow - : ? chor to Proud Too | of nt Pr. eee Oues te Lae: ers and Brokers, Street, aoe W."Sec on EY. ALT, I W/ Dies te Her a ae Service ieenw re Private Ten wew ‘ Proud Too Tae Welmont o....-..---l$ 4. a Hut teat the copper-bear- lu: am from ores upon it ciisc.. .. eWamara at Con, Ohio of the porphyries ing Bir Wa pronounced,1 - anc 1} Ton or sah "Mi Mk lway so3 cing Ingham, "bei to property the to advanced , a | Golder fron a the | He ome-"Fonopah so vii aS laboratory from returns between disparity The rhe | "Bid. " fononan in' Undertaking. ployed oo fe The | ; Em-) be day the the at market following the report i || iteupon --- ARRIVE: 38.977 50. value, Atle rnoon Sales. . Daly- Judge, ee ntirely etn to the state- | have a farm : OORE, Passenger aaant = sk tel 3 : | . a‘ total¢ of) | aak aef« will lege ener concentrates | | }] ve carloads of ore: and' ; {| mine during the) that from | shipped Hailey.|1] of Times the says month, | past faan : a } os as Ww hee€ at Te street-9'T | Main partake has this township, Mansfield of subsistence. means sole |in iba Man. Gola King, 1 000710 New York, 3,00uq02%'4 Dad ; 2.000 Nc. tor Con "100gs2 Victoria, sold' Shares 18 35, 4 reared been ote das icon > ta lac |The Cae MIR according nele Sam of Tin- | the bottle, and, to a steady im-| ment of his parents, who fon a favorable | , Reports tic are all 200@31%e. Glance, 1,000@10c, aos at ce Be lent eerie a = iat to him for na uerraene eee: of stewed quail. mouthful |° Aa whote Rs oe yersons os 5 OlNe ‘eta i aa ar Hee it | with the caseboy's habits the ae ed strangest is |ligdinrsti last Fer of MacVichie Tintie for Ce rod sparted tr ie agio7's,| I Bingham 34.% Mereur reducec nel Ke prancipa. via "Salt Is Now On the Market for All { Kinds of | e \ | minute to be Invited to a salon, , will 60ae : about an ounce of gold to the > ton, ' | eent > capable of reducing as much as 100)'8" " ij probably be piiried. th potter's fleld, as i fi yssstse se eneseeceee ts VB IT: ed Suvbrintendent Zeigler has now ad- | ROSCUG! ns a day, this to be added to as re-| ith a strong trace of sifver he had a he never told any one that THE COMSTOC KS. A careful analysis| , !e wash is about seventy feet un-|\anced at this station, a distance of| sults shall justify. What the man's forrelative living. ao Tosca ten feet, the ores of ‘better quality al-|Goo-vireinia of the tailings shows from $4.25 to|@¢! the surface and the stata is ‘trom matter a is was would have un-of mer occupation || 20) ee ee Ophir an | Culedoita affordingwith others andfavorably with compares but he conjecture, its val-|ternating ‘sy deep. ofIf old soe | Bi1S thirty feet ec the meth. per ton. byBod,the with $8 gold: to |average that an ounce Wes Will to average Fil. | |{Wenly Holderman improvised ods He was | doubtedly g cna a ballroom. 1. | 15 ..000....0.00--| $20, the find is a biz |the best of which the camp is capable. | Mexican 2 int ter eae company of this city, it has te ah pacould be Chesterfield 88 st sak e s ae aque . . . few a eer. -yanby rae 1 [ONL as it voy area betel cra] ule demonst een the | Nevers of abla ae retae ine ela iiitie 7 Z MOST Foods. y E 'D " . the girl orphan ps 7 guilty found Strong "Dislike Eivinees | Samuel BENTON Pp G A A. ater L ots Bindi Dooly office, p.m. ay . oi points, eteieetite ediate © Z zi TEN OF 00 a ate Denn aa a Smee se > ----S Thomas of direction under the } gusson. loogenutdt os : gues sixty< | close.of to Plants Valley of bro- nm) tia ee cat , a dge"is Tr ks pet "develnban underthe of historyanpertant Mr. Robbins, Who returned with the fstate, if that ambition oun necessarily ‘OSec = ai Brcretione ; to a single shift connection that be should the he! . among & the visitor, Says that such work only is required to perfect tit! ye t be itles to locations ‘at hve poteen pater ooo crea being a. locality at‘ : present, although much he intere fs nterest manifested in the ae st deals are bein § a p.m. ES osSeite e- "From Sn _ Vieket 5 \ and sentenced tonight jury 1¢ fourteen years in the penitentiary | - York New for the} about return the Can which at to be are tailings mill, \raliie company's ' value, . $21,952.15 Open Board, : 100¢($1.20 Daly, paekice Palen once. In t - 700703 2 eee Mar lower Mavasttoc, Be, 7 ammoth, 9¢ |} Co, SAMPLING, before "several lounhehed:. taking which was: years ago by Tony Jacobson and Clar- | this at a time | elices K2 > MeCornick; ‘ 9 de ae eK baa average nh giving was prospector average when preference to every. other Avon, the and foun Eur at ae TT OWIO the and . , is ilmost | reached no more ores are | Services are ant otis velopment, connecti Heed a AS prominent ~|next into the more quire . furtherhe yere en ESOL it is th saith gales are ‘lopment of which properties in the being consummated at Wok . 7:60 a West outcruel most section. in this 16-year-old the : oR Was I le tche r, on SEay sault VWilce Li tt by with : ; . peopentles.is eae se < ae - ve _$ 1 oe ey Selling os ledge the penett ate we level is 300-foot 16 Meanwhile positive. cee it is said, have he, did fortunate nec > " ° the is Robbins Mr. Recon : p.m. eM Sy 4-From ."~ Ogde } c Mba ve...bteng man Schoolfield, It is : he affair "rote upon| attack violent a made all ged, the reporter lawyer] rhe subsequent apology of the feelhigh to allay the served not has Dia i a fe ie ttivod TeRre Ant ffices conti ak ith, epas es opene vi ted ee aolyiblb. ie ig owe est) a em-| L. ora o avor D Washington, Levels. cower below winze the with down tunnel as rapidly as possible. suere Mr. Dick Sais deposits be averdonen . coal the ‘goto. 7 = = p.m. 6:00 meth-|N and the «+ | NR against the negroes oT 401 OF"a SHih ine @oTe=‘ fy Ne fri attorr rahe oy - of | ods e used rhe | : triat by some option consisting paymentee ona the acelin' | SET No. trial of assault ‘cases cent 1 $3,000 was made Wednesday was\No. who negro the Ed Smith, years Armstrong, ‘for many WW. I' charged with attempted criminal as-|No, : the cig, gt neue! jan are | further development to the be applied It-is the | of the properties in Nevada. to drive.) management of the intention of | a distance zone the into tunnel fa | ledge the with connection feet, 700 ve rtical j a affording. station. that lat 20,100 sold, Carisa, Copper | | rill i Sarlang a i ceiver's ‘de a ; . nanatGe j | Tonnage ping main them handle. effort.to. 6:15 6:40 high been LS OnTnS on weeks séveral has for it to} of proceeds the for, | be called Sl BwWASAN, feeling Race ¢ hattanooga OED ME iaGghinah Schoolfield DR Tine of progress, tunnel main negroes, by ted IGh dithe a meeting will tsbe making There | eng paged 1nd while publics un Miiine "\ alley Mason the' of | rectors : which at night tomorroy Bens nae esmeént an expected. } company ‘it 1s tink sine most The girl," little pretty a of the of one victim ever ¢ ommitted rages in the valley Alta, Fingstaff;: snow the are that results management the et of amination reports} afternoon, ‘the of at 3°40 West Park City... ; 101-From Bingham... 115-From Heber Provo, OAR Marysvale...,... and x |pot ra Tair i an nN. 8:40 > -From Tintic and y 2 aia aerate 10:00 a.m. haa eee Eroro and Denver 6-From 1 Bingh eteee 10 aa 11 2 ngham...10:60 a. ™ -From Darive rom 1-Fr and 1:45 p.m "5:05 Soap w s wale ete OOS. ‘m. 2:2 ou WF rom Ogden 2:26 p.m. and Ogden 2-From 3 ; dwenenes then to artolons : : ; rep- a > 9:60 a.m, ...... Ogden 2-From } CITY LAKE ee a Sie eee ae, West Pe No, Hamil-'| ttanoor: Covington, Cr L. 1:36 ree 7th ak No An| W of attorney county of and theJ. resentative |}jton county, \ raat Newhousethe departed 1004-2, ww0ags.sy, |}| during to day, Coit ae Con.,ee 6h Columbus) $4,9214 buyer | * of $37,500. ° The a consideration e cies edt oe Floyd | Camp in situated is A mortgage for $15,-| mining district. Pion oe has | ; ty 000, by 5 the er4 a e | the to kos cnet ond main the "aa. off i Ge down rom ae : ag i. 0 ce een a Aa Poe AR ee eo |} 480. Takes tack Insulting Words : M Tenn Chattanoora, he rere occurred encounter at ‘net i | Schooelfield iar for 1 firm were 48 and in Court Attorney Ss at |Chattanooga off was ay cB: Mtyc 2-For Denver and East 2:50 p.m 5.00pm Provo and eae taco for Ogden , 6:05 pom 8: Once Denver and FEast ges 3-For Ogden and West 11:10 p.m eo pen wea As and alone ‘rance trorr Mc ereet fp th} man ie | jj) a 8:8:00a.m and West 1-For Ogden . Hingham 113-For | No. | |No. }) NO vigorously [No ai was McKee, father of |No. aavisie Sellers CITY. 10 eee ry Oneeri 7 = a y Ogde anee and ‘West 10:35 a.m. 11-For 6-Por ‘= | No. ele- |No. every they were jmarried with great secrecy after Mr wife fi ie by his be ae ay ae ‘ ner le first-repor lit the couple were be Pores enled by LAKH Pa rk 102-For en Finally of oe romance. De |ment Y SALT Provo Heber, 10-For and Marysvale Bingham ...... 112-fFor | No. West her|No. and iN 1 Golden her eI: it tn the of had Cc otton Exchange, exchange, New Y Xo 3 °Stock Minin in Bing-|]} Utal-Apex x Minin mpanynV altho eee Cen pana tor) peOpen Board. . i by: been called which his attention had > ‘ f Boston Stock Exchange, Exchange, It is said ‘hat nae aes satte 300G014¢, | a LUGPWyse, S00GIV%e, superintendent of the | i eae isa, Al Jacobson, ee rtles of the ¢ Crtiee dood Don Robbins of this city at least mo- | ¢ Tae We hanpaca ee e Panag tae the closest serudl to stand up under mines at Alta, | Couper Glance 6,50079"40 tox iColumbus Consolidated a aero ane.-bl i eo ari ieee 1 Commercial. Stocks numbered | |wyich Dickman, N. R. tiny | sixty seller concluded, 84.95, a : "Con mentarily Columbus day, the during camp from down canre | mare - z 8 chaser Naiiende the ene ae ae enh mining engineer and : : ' | rena CD S J00epad ‘ ( 7 aces crear eee . member ame "hie: Polloc Kk OFnow TRADE ¢ ur Mr. chemist from|]| CHICAGO has returned Ryan whither |‘St. Patrick BOARD |dayn; 1906764.96, 1004.87. he was sum-/]| e fi te Ps ad ne hitmore, Paul, Minn., ing out, and of which preliminary ex- Sanne: a epee dae as from that & "egion visitors | Lower Mammoth, 1,000@33¢ 6 and amination has been made with most jae erintendent of the mi fa CAlEE | is noton his of his brother. death jmoned by the Bell, 1l0@$Lso. Lite to the; coming ore the all port Comes as as ; way to diggings: further ie ivorable results, byFiwni ri h s serishe Ww "nines the ii pevisned: 9 who x l ‘ ; We. 4,0n@ King, Gold | e i ieos o one ofthe x smelter for whieh it is possible to obaviond tr om dnétack after he 1 and not the purpose of) the | jive "assur: destr was ee aan oo his home anata SOT ne Banas atter | ana mo ‘ d o dyn: ae as new The Shares sold, 14,550 2 York we Se . prominentiL oO of N ew York brokers.s 7 <Ac-|_ (ain transportation. J00knice k : mitp" gecasion. Merl Se he splendid Ss unis nutely children, his wife "and reseued had $4,786.25 value, geping are to be in-)} which wate sane heel and that source to the story from * locality ce the ; cording that in ndent of heldWeaut are Dunyon, ee Newton -<--- hy Prd fags y now on palin of the eee control (0 Flectrie Supply Utah holdings: in than I those exercising the has reiron-mastery he the Little Bell of Park City, THE NEVADAS WITH et jolla sees Nl to put a fig- a ' a : portions ofbe country are being rap- properties have declined until be interests in Nevisit a after turned a shift, another on put to mill the |! further holdings on their re. in| ee idly impovertstiad, and who TCE Yada. | FayorWith Shares of Buying Active ome! se ne : will thaw the on ledge LEED done upon the a¢ few years mel new fieltia in which pork nas ee ee ee ee : +o ay oe sm A com1e enable WwW law Washing enna. Have We depth at that demonstrated is i t land CHEST aces ites Again Strong. to meet , }Pany to materially increase ‘ils a aoe vient are. to" be. folind its "main resources, NN a fuenacs the é _ irc ‘ , MW. Pacific aie during the =day from teports ore, class first of nages . henav themali) dicate amo the with Is& dropachines re management ; b-' !At ! present STARVES FIELD cd up by Mr which hal ps Pollock = ind a ee ey ee eae eee bins, been i LEAVE first mar-|No, as the most] No. --For De Sg known, * Effect 10, 1905. In Dec. her efore was |tiage she .6o%e te onthe is) j pe ee 25 £10.25 700G$4.95, exe ticeae | to 7 to personal lattention. ld. Kidder . associated 10.0 TABLE, were Gare heare ‘Mckee cablegram |No. esadel phic : Janus ary 12,1906 ; a Frughvari 7 or fara Sawa |No. of widow| Mire the Pevis, ©) SOPwenly, Daly] NOTES >» St ‘ management with | eontinue to satisfactory Stan etal siS -_- -- . | i property FIXED YEr NOT IS Floyd | sounty for -_- | PRICE Retur > : ae on one ene enon ee fn "at county Iron jn zone iron-bearing ; HUGE mKMad The f aoe sixteen inches Operations | Morning Sales eae 100039 Selling eaten ae kee colle : ; Conunty aoe er: as Saaese a aienchard. of | property other and ing the mining company | @ Mining sHemeiverlaniimcold Fa- With It voranie | IRONS FROM cd | P Pe z Spelter. 6d. | Smelter-during g 3.107) -. "30 18.124) 19.0 = +.) 10.75. ") de.U 3 oD a Record, on March Special 1.-Th filed aorder of Examination . Bonanza R bl Alta His | it appreciates. perhaps country, been has that nothing upon action be| will however, to him, commended permits | he eyent the in and oaks BACK | sa a of girl be autiful courtship The of on account husband from | present machinery ; te g2..| "UL a In son has couple, sachooltield,. WW 1,00wn EAL Lo! "6.05 | so i «1134 3 l ogte Shares Camp the Placed Property Provo, Republican . . for Deed Reeelver's ae . . sition of Amalgamated, and Mr, Cole, Preliminary with a vision that takes in the entire) Messrs, Dickman and Robbins that a of the operation in be will MINING 15. 2 My «20% "aS ah. 05 w "Oley 10 re 00 39 45 PUC (034,87, | ; pothe that 1en Eadees strengt state, BEAUTY 5 | RueThe Alfred de t Vig peo=)) of the 1,4) S| ple fhe was romantic recalled mi arriage \fter repeated dewas contemplat-| that a wedding nials 1 re led, they were secretly married in| a | 44g 49.00) 15 24 sclior sixty days, one ofat | +180, 10041 $4.88, picture: TRANSFER. OVERLAND | in things : many good a: are There 2 brought 1,499 iw ow 70 "0 68oi 0) - 9 a CH warrants. fron, foundry standard tae > ; la lp Hered: SO, SA@$E4S80, week. Oa$4 ITS Bell, 100 | next Little $1.85, 100@ 200G034.78 s3 200M$4.82, | CG$4.77, the by built Com Gels) lee ay . Daly-Jud Mr be. should not and city of a recognize the story that he has prepared to part hes holdings is not easily asan simMmiatec OF criminal | 206. jn the oecurred affair ‘The | tine quarts ore of consignment-of 20...) the was and court during room court Green) Herman Manager Assistant ‘ 23Ye| of} made public ation a of )/outgrowth retun ned who Con., Bins gham the ;of 3.) in the G¢ross-extactics the | the attorney's of furnaces the to visit a ifter 4 aes a > non a HOK Carisa, what of idea be to is49 M9) ae ic€ 28.1214 = eae ve ais ay 1 | Oo ob On Abe. a be, any- I of fon, ae ons, and pencil submitting of already promimore the sketches structures company, | ‘Townsite his acquisitions foretells but |them a big thing on Taylor they is approve undertaking : an HOME ¢ Torce. ore ° ORB c ‘ eT Te whouse , avVeen "or oe rt eRe 2006 , Oy 0% aan! Gwadltsc, Sam, at || AE: ' creation. : anele Dey. , e eos | que, , if not imposing, Finest Dining Car Service in the Z OUR eS ence Sirk . 3 At u all events a large e ee A ie Se of = him. ahead @ | will sail for London and Paris Tuesday | (OTN oo We Gara. the thorough- | 40%c, 000% mile, The plat, showing pulling for of friends will be Angeles a circle Only‘ direct line to Los of d Rockport, at gov = for severas} vo1ere,eee oe herself ‘orner near .| west, to absent oy {next pr Chief, 11,000@ 454 ‘ Léttle | is buildings, . and the principalbe , | mation strom this end of} faresY the | Stage connections for Nevada mining oe : {coeur gee Sank eve: | mill oS ; 1vo@24e "2 00g aac, seller | Months. approaching completion at this time, | New York. . |‘"° Joseph Dederichs has gone to LOS) gets solely ups u ilk. af: eOlee SUB- | camps. days 5 Series 2000@4e, Duyer chi - | poe and with its approval will be| Heller. haf thatatt lslil ce ae for construction it is hhis disli to prepare days;| Angeles sixty the | | 5, 0004024 ix 45 one foods | 1,0004 ihemens for solid of leas- 1s agent, theto. pivbrebadl to theprivileges. ed smelter. Springs the Good 1 ono 23 40, jon days, buyer aac, follow, es and by made bicycle. promise of a new seller sixty ()0GP23%c, 35 1 doys; thirty ORNS | suyer Fa arnt eee ALE on the Man-] father rea fe Ww weeks Is ee Work TICKBRORRIC E- 169 South days; 50 23te,. seller sixty days: sig | CITY ne not was ago, ate pas Ean BO the bargain counter iS ever since' It bee came apparent to him and tye rest Ponte decking ad) of the iaicet correctly read the rocks and- knew metals contained to recover how to the hethe represented when n them him "\ believe enlargements ‘ is Boal to at} | erayon capacityconverThose use the daily properties the Mr. ing }land tact ith w once at . with ant this ij pane will tons 190 1 which } a ast that eed . Aekie S leniartac tenets ehawe this ee oO an = " have Esbeenr Hebe not a them hae i general the to will)conform properties the of "| management ; : ; é it "7 ix"- Market 2s pounds 1, i) Ni Ma oxi-|thing that will not add to the appear- | of the town, and that will not! the|anee e | adaptibility to the and the tailings, lonstrating its tl of :complimenis(b t hance "aies- dized product nav e "pecom te Golgines iad ecome i ae it will van nor will |company, them. any, | dem-jsonable, undoubtedly M commend will n plan the at unit forty-ton AT Mrs. A. Hart taltige RenamnipampAT dacs < Aaiherl ofea Mr.:and: Wank "Atill dared Dang 1-The March Metal | gl ire a4 ent | the cue the | The ex- | x 50%e dollars, Fes hee 3 02!sit | i Me Ns 2% ' i4i leas- | victors Experiments on the ores In | who is authorized: to execute the engage is to he 1 the |ness in which $7 t shows a valuatio least capture at lions, that "it will the: bt il ane od etur aa Wisk +6 Rake > Cane om es a a es ae in the fe interest DUGAN individual 1G biggest af rahe = fe weesracs s eNOS f This. -ampany.".. in all|to harmonize with the general plan yunnirg well up in iron, these | Laer have reference us couldd ‘hav company. In Boal. at the |now in the hands of Mr. srobabilitv to find a market that controlled than as other ee said the president of the It is said further | furpnaces, to which the high iron con- | this respect, Wnos A, Wall. by unrea nothing exact ~ | ; eee r4 3 King 4 a 65 15 1.0" Sijnshine..: the _ Pret 3.53 255 since thatape correspondence the z 4 . ee : i Has interest th en My ion an the and f the company, fficial 627. : ah mill pounds, % 01 for |48s 9d 3.¥5 4 iddlesbe 1214 10 4 oe 04% S. MI said be referred who pany, | | | 229) in . A 42.00~~ oT Quotations. Silver "vane March: i--Bat. sliver, | Ot -04 vi Waren OT to the approval of the comes, subject Of | (his city have afforced conclusive properties the feeling of been has aa on bale Yan kee: will be no partThere onstration that It is possible to recover | pany's officials in-/ in the company Copper Utah the a e nS one o1 lease upon The lots. with per tonjing $14 average values, that that | (heir and Amalgamated, of the terest STOCKS TONOPAH concessjonthe entities simply |more the of aid the gold--with mostly | Is one company big copper if the F Th; Bon. in addition |aire to reara building such as Is adapt- | Goi while process, part} pHolderman to Guggenheims the induce to 140 Bees i ‘Butler nae busithe of requirements the to of tallings|ed is a large tonnage lio these aequigeae its ide otk Doe ae i ths 5s Mr, "Wiley, with a: staff of assistants, /equinped. STORK : tie Mrs " Te ase marry never ex-| would the metal 1.-At March York, New | x . aie cre ifte vt and} quieter was trading today lchange SOON SILER aru the ‘beautiful widow). ° 18.120 Lake, fe Ing roid: "Clos! \eanter'. + | a8.37 BicatrOe sis 718.95: castings; returned from abroad, joined Mr. Me- | No. | ote hi : 2 ol § c, Or) obras Bal were | ips, . in Philadelphia and the pair ~ spelter, $6.00 $5.354345; d, es =| S17 87118. e » arried. GY Fs tin, » | @6.10; | Nt Sere Te eee | -_--- : be | a: a ; 75 p ‘APOLOGIZES London Metal Market. DN Ni k| ws tin closed 1 -Pig March London, AS: | No Ore eae |nt a recession of 1 pound 5s for spot raal 1.25 |No. at), unchanged was Lead futures, | 15s for 10°) | Aihepa2 = 0214 M4} vies 3 Star Con aoe Swi Swansea In| found be ll 116 10.20 2.64 15 3.0 these Improve- | tratpe the president _ of Whitley, Con: 8 |] the day, are to during |ment company Sam |1 the comfor to an agent and | Utat them, upon pass will } _All Sunlight Golden the at ores of si- jtion morning this per company as it is as soon just eroups Ohio and Am: algamée ited | the of member lent the to complete builders for amon lor company's corps of field experts with mill forty-ton a of contrary, | construction the On there it stop does be} to are properties the which | that correspondent a by urged is it a Sink City aol Mex! can 14.00 | 16.00 | 46 a 3.20 5 a Ip one n SL 4 | Sacramento and establishments, |S. Shield lines other all and to are that metropolis, j business of | the modern the present Mont, Whitehall, for to} part is the reduebegin will he where Cop- | week, who Ohio and Con., Boston the at enter the properties of the ee }+|.14.00 0) 15.0 Day |Mey York |) w aah An hardware | s. counters, lunch and ants jewelry | stores house, goods jadry de- will city this of Taylor P. Harry |chandise, - | exploited and East, that sincerity, fils concluding Sulphides, the ping latter. the in the apparent with now Wiley, H. apiece 43.46 2s 12 1, east jthe 3 " ; 14 ao 0 "0 4 ee 16 1.24 10.40 applica- | Mammoth for privileges, bank the to rear which upon ground mergeneral for to be used restaurhouses, for grocery for ltions of | blocks | buildings Ship- Tailings, : : of Volume Silas ee lower est i 2 6 iain: |] a0 o" mpl 26 Pea 4 G1i. act Chief 1 |, there ' which : are file On thres be: to are clubs, lleof the Ae through }lonly Large and Ores Oxidized Reduce up | Will them "tie' ao Con : : Park 3 4.75 (54 vO Go 31% 10 1.15 10.205) > BE ; aah rigor. cornthe dispensed) of be extracts the that fereed shall rye-patch ifield and UP GO on ‘BIG I MILL ; C Mercur -|Con. jAsked. sid. PMP Mu. | | 2334 " To er Ere dee ie: een Neat: oni as ae i oO 2 ‘ 6g ¢ Central |G. | Galena, NENG Searle ve ca tae fi aed disappointed, ye adil eenter ked ake ke nese oitee»S ant to or "hold-moneys" | ee Ss -- realm the in » $..0.0 ie 1 26 Con Rune } du. anc | }émerald for ; im- } Sr ares | to which extent of privilege the to the }portunatle, and for applied has he Them. B.-lLaib busic | Dalya West petitioner most the The 2 again 5 is of lne eve ry' with' and |lanche, ted | ne =Ss represe M| jsaloon privileges Will and Equip eal = have yi eghelogt failed vari Bhar . Oups Gr | j uy coun ee. : resident i B 0k Con, ae 8Berit | Century Daly Daly-Judge taching to them, applications are poss Garfield of the officials the upon ing avaan like company Improvement | WO Cole F. Thomas than other none a the wolikely, hot ind come SF eee an Ss Embraces Taylor teanchisesvate- Joteoanas Moretown : ining - Harry have of ente a to are commonwealth time in a short jlege . be me ne o f oras ' is 7 ng m ini Phe an relied ; a to is Boston from | Taal rave | Cartsa | Creole Mercur ,f Yolerated. oe : Q 33 } These for ce Sty na | d Aske A.M, a gd | ALM. Perey Applications- Gambling No It. By Dislodged bulletin If a TK CEE a OTE | Bostonz ni but stationary, the day tics. | market following See Sey Cwew oe ft a i les ASCENDENT Are There as nt ee I 30 down "A vat aoe freely at 32 Were: Cirm ing on: the E Disappointments Many AS Tn- ‘i if Others are. Not to Be terest or : have delays to|Some was capable was Day management the day,|by eres of the pre oe Te of repair selling | non-arrival Carisa with funnel, 4 2a er la Ma {which Jinan Tea the be did Rateery , Said 1906 "Comments of the week: Flood- | than'the "opening lot, while the best of|again by the latter part « xperienced | been ; Kinds. iN SALOONS eer eee olosed oe ‘work, aay te foo nbid oe aks aesuragéce with and oa Aw firmwelght op nell heavy of un-ai ery y was | load lings and closed at a fraction lower Sete ae + + see relax, and2 ' le tn | sn ® in aebri ae ne ra finished with oon shares V7an I y coma Meene pail na ,2 sal) wae | 1?ian States ae et If ink out "4 a bid ot 3.2 20 ; | aecorded eordial reception than| : : . Ore moved | oe aleve: and time _peciow "in some an pe iat iat cone Grand Ce atral was |‘ $e A lications of All ++ hundredat copper pound Hee Hee ounce, an LOTS a + silver maritet cents per and$5.35 casting -cents'a SHEFF PREFERRED 65% at ruled ++ +z TOWN + ++ ead ana copper $39,600 metal the OFF ores, In led + + + ' Slice of 'Sive siya Amalgam- | Story That Boston WANT ; + + bulllon:mara ore day-cldned on-wettle to $81,900, ments amounting reporting Co. McCornick Bullion as they & follow? them $4,200; bars, gold $38,100; pe |+ cea : BULLION, AND ORES the ker In the: began to 4.70, fer at$40, wh tree t + 2, ihe, as cen sagt Sets nian vt ayi ng lo a good attendance i opened ahop-far the day. with its |. courte rs surrounded and moved up to T. JENKINS FH Ft +t te ee etree IVE MARCH Pais Bell, Freely Patronized, Paea: for Favorites: It C0 ACTIVE, on the market Hayden, Stone say they continur ‘6 look for a dull pe riod ao on all drives, think the avr eae| | Cornelia Baxter Tevis Tevis McKee Jecomes F as » gal y bourht. on the sae the mining exchange closed| yt mek ‘h. Pale k and Co. report the} Mother of a Son, sole of S3,.850 share ‘ C ; aT , vive < >| . friends 1.-Chicago Mareh A hicago, at thi wite ir private oe andc - ith a ere taken | eae cre thes 3 7,795.90, ough URN JOSEPH BY EDITED t IS 9 9 7 States Smelting Co. is now in the The of Gold, Silver, Lead and Copper Ores kinds United able to Shippers. ADDRESS. UNITED When ALL COMMUNICATIONS ae 3 for all market prices favor- at ALT TO SALT LA TY LAKB CITY, Consign all Shipments as follows: : SMELTING CO., Bingham Junctlon, STATES shipment is made, please notify ds: praterrads publiqnsanpisr nate one assayer. f SPs Ene *S us promptly, enn ae Utah. and eee if |