Show Camp Grounds And Resort Planned At Yankee Yanked Meadows l i As the result of ol cooperative effort effort ef 4 fort of Parowan Paro water users and sportsmen and the State Fish and andy y r Game dame department It Is planned to develop elop a camp tamp ground and resort at Yankee Meadows In Parowan canon one of ot the most popular fishing spots in this section Members of the Parowan Reservoir Reservoir Reservoir Reser Reser- voir company have voted to leave leavean an extra three feet of water in the reservoir and the Stale State Fish and Game Dame department has agreed to purchase the land surrounding surrounding sur rounding the which is now owned by private Individuals providing pro pro- viding this additional water is left leftin in the reservoir e It is understood that the land x will be purchased by Parowan city but that after the deal is completed completed completed com com- the state department will i t re rc the city It is hoped that the land will be eventually turned turner over to the Forest Service so that thata a resort may be developed as IU a apart ij part of the Forest Service recreational recreational program The reservoir company will retain title to any ground covered by the water canals etc to protect Its Interests I |