Show Jr Chamber Makes Makes' I I Nominations For January Election I elec-I Nominations for the e annual election elec tion of or the new members of the Board of Directors of the Junior Chamber of Commerce have been made and other plans for the election election elec elec- tion and annual stag banquet are being be beIng being be- be ing rapidly formulated by the of of- offers fers and special committees I IThe The election will be held at the annual stag which will be held atthe at the Escalante Hotel on January In addition to the tile election the annual annual annual an an- I nual award to the outstanding young man civic worker of the community for the year rear will be made However the name of the will be kept secret until the presentation U Is made II Val V l D D. Hicks president of the State Junior Chamber of Commerce and Mark Eggertson Enertson vice-president vice will be in attendance at the annual banquet according to E E. E W W. Macfarlane Macfarlane Macfar Macfar- lane president of the local l 1 I ration I Five directors are to be elected to succeed President E. E W W. Macfarlane Macfarlane Macfarlane Macfar Macfar- lane and directors Theo Thea Corry Gordon Gor- Gor Gor Gordon r- r don Christensen John U U. Leigh and Harold R. R Sargent whose hose terms ex ex- ex pire The nominees to be voted on on are as follows Bert Carpenter Rex Christensen Rodney Egan Reed W W. Farnsworth Dean Fisher Rex Har Har- Harris ris Rolce K K Knight Elmer B B. B Quist Wells Poulson Dick Roberta Roberts and Kenneth Smith I IThe IThe The hold over oYer directors of the Ule organization are vice president John Seal Deal secretary Durrel W W. Corry CottY Roy L. L Halverson and Loran D D. HirschI Following the election of directors the Board organizes electing a president president president dent vice-president vice secretary and treasurer i I II I I |