Show COUNTY FARMERS MAY PLANT ACRES DEETS BEETS Farmers of Iron County are at attempting ate at- tempting to get sugar beet for 1940 According to word received from C. C J J. J Cobbley field men for the Spanish Fork District of the Utah datlo Sugar Company acres be contracted In Iron County ProvidIng Providing Provid Provid- ing satisfactory sugar beet 1 legislation legit legis lation can be passed In the coming sessions of the National Congress Mr Cobb Cobbley ley has hu suggested tl to farmers In Iron County that they go ahead as far as possible and pre pre pre-I I Ipare pare their ground fOr the planting planting of sugar beets Then In the event that an allotment can be granted the ground win be In excellent condition con cone II for a production of a maximum maximum maxi maxi- j mum of beets If the allotment allotment allot allot- allotment ment cannot be given their land will be In excellent condition forI forthe for forthe I the production of ot any other crop I It Is felt by some of the farmers of Iron County who are interested In sugar beet production that this crop would yield a satisfactory cash return and would at the same time valuable succulent livestock feed In the form of beet tops which could be used to advantage in the fattening of lam lambs s and beef cattle |