Show WHO'S NEWS THIS WEEK By LEMUEL F. F F. F PARTON PARTON NEW YORK Filming Filming of 01 Kipling's Kipling's Kip Kip- I. lings ling's The Light That Failed on the New Mexico desert near Santa Fe was delayed the other day when a Sandstorm Mild savage wind Compared to blew the tents The pug pug- Directors Director Pat Past away away- Wellman the director long known sandstorms sandstorms sand sand- as Wild Bill enjoys fighting lighting storms having licked one one almost single handed when he was filming fliming Beau Geste in Arizona He probably got a few tew good shots of ot the storm and will work them Into tie je film with his gift gilt for atlon tie lie was the flying partner of 01 Tommy Hitchcock the polo player In the Lafayette Esca- Esca in the World war and revealed revealed revealed re re- re- re an instinct for showmanship showmanship showman showman- ship hIp by playing playing- play tunes on German German German Ger Ger- man tower bells beDs with a m machine gun UD as he be sipped lipped around the belfry beUry It was said ald that before the Germans dropped him In a tree and sent him home bome he be could pe peg out Silver Sliver Threads ads Among Amone the Gold without a soul coor note Dote In aviation films he has employed effectively both his histrionic talents and his training in air acrobatics aerobatics Ills His turn film Wings of 01 1928 touched of oft his expanding fame tame Men With Wings of last year rated by discerning critics as as a top top- bracket film elm told the story of 01 aviation aviation avia avia- tion lion from the day of 01 the Wright brothers' brothers first flight lie He was known at times around Hollywood as Screwball Bill but has simmered down considerably since he married Dorothy Coonan finding a desert desert desert des des- ert sandstorm only mildly diverting di dl- vetting considering considering- his rough- rough tumble and-tumble past He Is however as Irish as ever and his famous serial fight with an unknown Paris Pari antagonist probably will continue On In Paris he be found it nee nee- Engages Engage in a essary to re- re Serial Fight buke an offen- offen With Unknown sive stranger by knocking him stiff as a plank Later in Chicago Chicago Chi Chi- cago the stranger spying Mr Wellman Wellman Wellman Well Well- man on the street did the same to him A year or two later In in Hollywood Hollywood Holly Holly- wood seeing his unknown sparring partner crossing the street Mr Wellman put himself one up by a ablow ablow ablow blow to the chin There have been other encounters I believe the score is now even But he be bears no grudge It is just a detail of ot his native ebullience ebullience Hence which leads him to such devices devices devices de de- de- de vices as galvanizing the chairs on the lot so his working crew cant can't sit down I With Capra La Cava and Hitchcock he Is achieving achieving- a sharp harp characterization and aud finIshed finIshed finished fin fin- technique as the movies get Into long pants and offer adult entertainment He De grew up In Mass tried to sell seU chocolates and woolen goods but didn't went to the war with an ambulance unit and won the Croix de do Guerre with the Lafayette Escadrille Ills his friend Douglas Fairbanks Sr steered him to Hollywood soon after the war as a messenger messenger mes mes- stager boy for Goldwyn In 10 years he be did almost everything for every studio in Hollywood before he hit his stride with Wings He Is 43 slender whippy with a touch of 01 gray In his Ws curly brown hair and is apt to sock ock anybody in inan inan an aa argument and then affectionate affectionate- I- I s him drink a A Star Is liked his fame tame considerably TIns r illS reporter asked several informed Informed In In- 5 formed if 11 persons they knew that a woman was assistant secretary secretary secre score tary of the United States treasury None ot of the them w rue Women in Office did Mrs Blair No Longer Rate Banister who Scare Heads Head holds that ot 01 flee would find encouragement in that She tells the Regional Conference of Dem Demo Democratic cratic Women at Washington that the decreasing public excitement about women in office Is a good sign Their status stains in public life if that's that what interests them is so assured that they no longer rate glaring headlines when they are put in a responsible post Mrs l Banister Is a sister of Senator S Carter Glass one of ot ota ofa a family of six boys and six Ix girls all following their fathers father's business new business new aper per work Her lIer sister Dr R b. a Glass Glss Is president president president dent of Sweetwater Sw college Sirs Mrs Banister left Lynchburg Va In 1919 to assist George Cr Creels Creel's el committee on public lion tion She was appointed to the treasury post In July 1933 Consolidated Feature Service |