Show SON LAW SON LAW IN-LAW OF R. R W W. LUNT DIES IN DELTA II Hyrum Erickson 68 IOU son law law of Randall W W. Lunt of Cedar City died suddenly at his home in Delta Friday from heart trouble He had been In poor health for several months but was waa not In I serious condition until just prior to his death He Jle is survived by his widow Eva ETA Lunt L Erickson and a stepdaughter Funeral services were went held In Delta Sunday afternoon with the tho following Cedar City people in attendance attendance at Mr and Mrs Mra Randall W W. Lunt Mr and Mrs Mra Walter 0 O. O Lunt Mr and Mrs H. H P P. P Dotson of and Mr and Mrs Austin L L. Merry- Merry weather |