Show N. N C C. Town Has Hal Largest Homespun VI Woolen Trade The largest homespun woolen Industry In in irs the world world the the Biltmore Homespun shop shop shop-Is is located in Asheville Ashe- Ashe ville N. N C C. Originated in 1901 by Mrs Cornelius Vanderbilt to furnish fur fur- fish nish employment for or a few mountain moun moun- lain tain people in her neighborhood It has bas grown steadily ever since employing a at present around 60 peo peo- pie After the industry became well well established Mrs Vanderbilt sold old it and the shops were moved to the Grove Park Inn estate on the outskirts ou of 01 Asheville Most of ot the raw wool used comes from Australia Wales Scotland and the Shetland islands It is first dyed then dried by natural air no artificial I heat hea t being belna used The colors colors col cal ors are mixed fibers broken up wool wooi reo oiled re-oiled oiled and then run through carding machines onto spinning frames rames Power driven machines are used for these processes and for set set- ting up the warp on the loom but the actual weaving IS ts ri ti entirely b by hand on nn hand Io loons loon's |