Show Attempt Made To Solve Cedars Cedar's Dance Problem A very fery definite step was taken this thU week to solve the dancing problem pro pro- blem in Cedar City when the American Amerlean Legion n staged dances In Inthe inthe inthe the open air pavilion on July 3rd and th During the tha past two years ears Cedar City haa ha been faced faDed with the serious ser ser- ious problem of Its young people ignoring dances staged In town to togo togo togo go to other communities for this form of entertainment Just why this p. p preference ference has haa p prevailed has hll n never been determined i The holiday dances of this week I were of the typo type that any parent might be glad to have his hU children attend Tha The music was wu of the highest high high- highest 1 ee est type the hall Is one of the best and the dances are so eo condu conducted ted as a ato asto asto to provide clean Ln and wholesome entertainment One of the th principal objections to young people going to other towns town for tor dances 10 fa a the hazard hasard of the highway To have crowds of young people traveling on Ute the high sways at any Ume time and especially lute hits at night when they are tired Is Ie very d dangerous UI The Tha American Legion plans to conducts conduct such aud dances during the re remainder remainder remainder re- re of the tie season and It is to tob tobe tobe b be hoped that the young people will support the organization in this I effort |