Show LEEDS NEWS The Leeds townspeople went over to Harmony Sunday Bunday to at attend attend attend at- at tend the horse races and ball games The Leeds eds camp baseball team played the Harmony team and won by a score of 20 to 10 0 O. The Leeds girls the Harmony Har liar Harmony mony girls by a score of 22 to 2 2 Everyone the outing but all were sorry over the accident to Cecil Parker at the beginning of chasing ball the ball game In a I Parker ran into a barbed wire cutI cutting cutting cut cut- ting his bis face tace badly The camp doctor doctor doc doe I tor dressed the wound around and Parker I was waa rushed to the hospital at Cedar Cedar Cedar Ce Ce- dar City He has haa many friends In Leeds who hope for his speedy re re re- covery I I A son was born to Mr bit and Mrs bird W W. Stratton In Hurricane on on July I and a daughter to Mr and Mrs Eldon Fuller in the Cedar City hospital Mr and Mrs George Laub of Pioche Plo he Nevada are here visiting I home from Salt Lake City I where Mr Laub has been recovering recovering recovering recover recover- ing in the St. St Marks Mark's hospital from severe injuries received in a mine accident at Pioche The Twenty fourth passed quietly quiet quiet- ly here Nearly everybody went to Pine Valley or Oak Grove for the day Mrs Verna Vema McMullin has haa been very ill with an Infection In her I hand Murry Harris is home from Los Angeles where he has spent the past Jew tew months Mr and Mrs Evan Sullivan have their new home completed and have moved In Miss Ruth Milne of ot St. St George is Is' Is visiting here with Miss lone Olsen Mr and Mrs Charles Allen Mr and Mrs Evan Sullivan Willard McMullin and Eldon Fuller at attended attended at at- tended the American Legion celebration celebration celebration cele cele- bration at Cedar City |