Show Red Cross Swim I Campaign Starts Monday londay Recreation Supervisor II n. B. B rep reports that everything Is In readiness for the opening of ot the Red Cross Swim Campaign next Monday August 2nd He Jle also reports reports re- re ports porta that It will be necessary for tor all participants to file tile a card signed I Iby by their parents and granting permission permission per per- per per-I mission to swim at the office of the Gregory Pool I Mixing of classes will not be allowed allowed al- al al allowed lowed at any time In other words I I swimmers will ill not be bo allowed Inthe Inthe in inthe the pool during the beginners beginners' class period etc Everybody is asked asked asked ask ask- ed to cooperate in this matter by not attempting to enter the pool when It Is not their hour for in instruction in- in I Half hour classes for each division I will be held each day and at the end of each f the group will leave the pool to make room forthe for tor forthe the next group The fee for tor these classes will be bo per swim A class for adults adult will be held each evening from 8 to 9 o'clock and the supervisor urges married people as well ell as single people to participate The Tho fee tee will be ho per swim At the close of the campaign Re RedCross Red lied Cross Crass Buttons and Certificates will be awarded to those who can qualify quality Mr Linford Is s anxious to make this the biggest and best swim campa campaign liD ever held in Cedar City and urges everybody to parti parti- |